


4 years, 8 months ago



"New objective: Vibe."
"Living to serve, sir!"


Name Zap(s)
Age Depends
Gender No
Pronouns She/They


  • Zaps are a humanoid species that function in a hivemind sort of way.
  • They receive orders from their ruler through their antennae and they have three "modes" to go into depending on their assignment. (Further explanation below)
  • They have a "night mode" version, in which they are purple and blue instead of green and yellow.
  • All weapons they are equipped with are unable to kill anything. They have a constant order from their boss to capture or take hostage of things instead of killing them.


Zaps are an artificial species of green humanoids who, although not mechanical, possess electronic qualities. They can transmit and receive electric signals through their antennae that give off a soft, electric glow. Their antennae and tail can be used to power electronic machines and devices, and if you touched a Zaps skin there’d be a solid 50% chance of feeling static electricity. Zaps are mass produced within the secret laboratory of a great villain, who plans to take over planets, galaxies, and eventually the entire known universe. Zaps are their most trusted – and appreciated – lackeys.

Despite their destructive and power-hungry ruler Zaps are a passive, peaceful kind. Their only job is to document everything they can about the planets their controller wishes to pursue and so they are not equipped to kill. Zaps are trained to defend themselves and their base, and they are surprisingly strong but they can’t do anything fatal. Even their “blasters” are just stun guns in disguise.


Zaps have three different modes that they can be set to depending on their current task at hand. Within these modes they will gain certain focuses and some of their capabilities might be temporarily enhanced to suit the situation.

If a Zap doesn’t have a task and is having a break or just vibing about, these modes will go off depending on emotion instead of order.

Mode = Neutral
Neutral Mode

“This mode is a Zaps normal state of mind. Their eyes are a good cube or rectangle shape, and they are carrying out standard orders or just vibing about. This one is probably carrying a bunch of boxes from place A to place B. Look how happy she is! Wonderful job, Zap!”

Mode = Attack
Attack Mode

“With fiery red triangle eyes, this mode makes Zaps ready for any high-stress situation. This one is repeating my orders to its fellow colleagues. Have I mentioned that they are WONDERFUL when it comes to teamwork? Love these gals!”

Mode = Explore
Explore Mode

“Rounded, glazed over yellow eyes, and an expression of curiosity; The explore mode of a Zap allows it to find information about planets or such very easily, and that’s mostly considering how absolutely amazed they become by every little thing that’s presented to them!”