Valerie [✰]


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Purchased for Tokens


- Fox N Key -

Valerie - Female - Corrupt

Emotional | Sassy | Feisty | Flirty | Fickle | Lazy | Silly | Humorous | Sarcastic | Pessimist | Headstrong | Witty

Seemingly the only sane floc around here- she prides herself on her sanity and her shimmer. She tends to provide witty and clever remarks and advice where and where not necessary. Valerie tends to oversee others quite often- not to mention butt in on conversations to insert witty remarks. She's an odd woman for sure, acting very masculine in most elements but her posture, which is very well kept and fluid. Her telepathic voice tone is a bit low for a girl's, though it's very melodic and easily associable with the female floc. She's not often shy and generally very outgoing and adventurous, however her laziness commonly gets in the way of her misadventures. She's also incredibly headstrong, which can get her into trouble every now and again. She has a strong love for rain and lightning and likes swimming, though doesn't generally swim too often so much as she just likes the rain and the sound it makes when it falls. She can be oddly overprotective and overbearing of those she cares about, however it's all in good intent. She's also my most technologically savvy, and could even be referred to as a fangirl to some extent. She enjoys the internet's vast wonders- and rather likes that she doesn't have to use telepathy to communicate. She's an avid anime fanatic, along with a found lover of manga, RPG maker games, youtube and other such nerdy things. Val can be somewhat coldhearted and hardheaded- but overall she's a pretty nice floc.

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