Kaida (D&D)



4 years, 8 months ago


A Child Looking For Her Family

Name Kaida
Age 11
Gender Female
Race Tiefling
Class Druid (Circle of the Shepherd)
Alighnment Neutral Good


Kaida was raised in the Feywild under the domain of Shin, a power and ancient Archfey, who resembles an enormous serpentine like dragon made of stone and plants, who she affectionately calls Grandfather. Shin's forest laid on against the edge of the Feywild, butting up against the Prime Material Plane, one of many bridges between the two planes. Kaida's job was to take care of the creatures that lived in the Feywild with her and shepherd those between the two planes, as well as lead creatures that found their way from the Prime Material Plane into the Feywild back home. Kaida knew nothing outside of her home in the forest, only that her father was from a particular city. Her parents though had both passed on when Kaida was but a toddler, and her mother once held the same position of Kaida, protecting the forest's inhabitants and guiding creatures between the two planes. However, one day Shin had vanished and no creature knew where he could have gone. Most of the fey creatures in the forest didn't believe he was somewhere in the Feywild so for the first time Kaida left the forest to go into the Prime Material Plane to find her grandfather.

"He's the only family I ever had."

HTML bylowkeywicked