


4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Bermuda Darkmore


Vampire (FE: dragon laguz)




Male | he/him




Physical Trainer (FE: former army senior fitness coach)



General personality: 

Bermuda is a perpetually outgoing and confident man, always trying to keep his head high despite any circumstances. He's very charming, and prides himself in being socially graceful. Flirting is his main language. He's very physical, touchy. Will kiss someone on the hand if he's just been introduced to them, will pat friends on the back and pick you up to twirl you around.. he is also the friend that pulls stray hairs and lint off of your sweaters without warning you first.
As a fitness instructor, he is incredibly athletic, always moving and encouraging others to do the same. One of his greatest joys in life is the magic of Zumba™.
He often finds it hard to open up to people past first meeting, and is somewhat closed off about his personal life. Out in public, he always seems a little busy, preoccupied... but if you're someone he likes, you know he will make time just for you.

When it comes to his stances and opinions, he is NOT easily swayed. His first impression of you is a lasting one. If he catches you in a lie, it will definitely affect his opinion of you. He gives many "second chances" and tries his best to forgive and forget, but sometimes he finds himself holding grudges. He tries to keep himself levelheaded at all times in public, but when alone or with a trusted friend, he has a tendency to blow up if something is bothering him.
Though, he is very protective of those he loves. (and honestly, a bit possessive...) Anything he dislikes, he will generally make an exception for if he loves you.

Social standing: 

He is generally well-liked and respected, people tend to look up to him for his confidence and constant morale-boosting reinforcement. He has a lot of people he would consider friends, and a lot of connections, but not a ton of folks he'd consider confidants.


He admires people with a lot of spirit, passion, and perseverance to succeed in the things they love to do. Being dependable and committed as a friend or coworker is a *must* to become close to him. 

Quirks and mannerisms: 

Runs his fingers through his bangs as he talks. Does stretches and squats when he's idle. Drops his normal "proper" speech pattern and stammers when nervous. Looks away when being complimented. 

Preferred outfits:

Militaristic style with a heavy goth influence. Often wears trench or Shearling coats with tactical boots. Underneath is usually v-necked shirts, or open-collared shirts paired with lacy cravats. His colours of choice are black, red, and purple. (FE: when his horns are out, they are always very decorated with necklaces and rings.)

Family background:

Bermuda has a small family with one younger sibling and two parents. Both of their mothers, Tetra and Lily, are vampires (FE: dragon laguz). They distill strong alcohol for selling. His sibling, Rotheart, idolizes him.

Talents and skills: 

Excels in athletics, could probably deadlift a tank. Has heightened senses, smell being the most prominently different from a human's.  He isn't quite immortal, but his body is in excellent physical shape no matter what he does. 


Emotional intimacy, being stupidly romantic, warmth, winter and colder weather, passion, vermilion, deep red colours, eyes, exercise, pop music, dance fitness, traditional gothic fashion, very small neon booty shorts (he thinks they look funny), seeing people smile, deep sea creatures (they're just such a mystery!), reading (romance and mystery books primarily), other "supernatural" beings, the smell of leather and sweat.


Genuine laziness, when people make fun of other's tastes, beans, taking care of houseplants (he's just too busy for them.), people thinking he's stuck up/can't take a joke, being forced to do anything he doesn't want to do, the smell of must and mold.

Minor Notes: He can't digest food; when he eats for whatever reason, he has to throw it up later or else it will rot inside of him. He is perpetually cold (and likes being touched by warm hands/bodies). He has both unintentionally (vampire-related) and intentionally (military-related) killed people before. 


General: Valentin Romanov (love interest), Yaroslav (colleague, close friend)

FE: Alastair (love interest) Rio (love interest)

Family: Lily and Tetra Darkmore, Rotheart Darkmore