


4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info






I escaped my past.
I left the pain behind. Still,
I will not forget.

Clarence and his brother used to work as smugglers, but that ended after Clarence attended one of Bob's motivational speeches. Clarence was inspired to leave his life of lawbreaking behind, and he did just that. After some time, Clarence realized that turning his own life around wasn't enough. He tried to convince his brother to leave the job as well, but he stubbornly refused. Eventually, Clarence went to the authorities. His brother was arrested and sentenced to ten years in jail.

Clarence now lives a peaceful life in a quiet neighborhood with his dog Bumble. He works for a company that strives to give ex-criminals well-paying and safe jobs, and he spends a lot of time visiting and socializing with some of the lonelier jailed Flitz. Clarence feels bad that their family and friends don't visit (or are non-existent), so he does his best to make up for it. He also hopes that his own story may inspire others to turn their own lives around. Clarence never visits the jail his brother is held in, for fear that his brother may turn violent.

What was an event in your flit's life that made them who they are today?
- Clarence and his brother almost being arrested
- Someone leaving a "motivational speech" flyer on his doorstep
- He's not sure what it is, but he needs motivation, so he goes