
4 years, 9 months ago


profile is still a wip!


Name Yukine (雪猫)
Nickname Stray Cat (野良猫)
Age 16
DoB 2nd December
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Height 5' 6 / 168 cm
Weight 50 kg / 112 lbs
Race Human
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Affiliation Demon Slaying Corps
Role Demon slayer
Breath Style Breath of the Feline (猫の呼吸)
Sword Colour Pale blue

"So noisy..."


  • Cats
  • Tight spaces
  • Fish
  • Naps in the sun


  • Dishonesty
  • Attention
  • Vegetables
  • Rainy days



attentive cautious honest blunt quiet unsocial

Sooner seen in the company of a dozen stray cats than his fellow demon slayers, Yukine is seen as a strange kid who's worryingly detached from reality.

In what little social situations he's seen to engage with, Yukine comes off as brutally honest and rude even to his seniors. Being a guy of few words, it's a surprise if Yukine even speaks, but it does no favours for his image when he usually chooses to criticise his own allies.

Truthfully, Yukine is very aware of his surroundings and the feelings of his peers. He simply chooses to look out for himself and himself only, not caring about the opinions of others.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet. Vestibulum volutpat mollis sem eget feugiat. Pellentesque dapibus, quam a laoreet pulvinar, felis quam tincidunt odio, quis pellentesque felis urna id urna. In sed ipsum feugiat, pulvinar est eget, egestas libero. Aliquam interdum erat mauris, eget fermentum quam consectetur imperdiet.



Charisma 20%
Kindness 30%
Temper 50%
Integrity 80%
Courage 90%
Humor 10%


Power 70%
Speed 100%
Stamina 60%
Technique 80%
Intelligence 90%
Teamwork 20%


Appeal 60%
Confidence 90%
Intellect 90%
Manners 10%
Optimism 30%
Luck 20%



Feline affinity

Yukine appears to have a strong affinity with cats, being capable of befriending even the grumpiest of strays within minutes. He has an amazing understanding of cat body language and can perfectly mimic a cat's cry.


Yukine can fight well enough with a katana to defend himself, but in reality his form is rough and unsteady. He mostly learnt by watching how the slayers around him fight, so he developed a haphazard fighting style which is a jumbled mash up of the things he's seen.

Breath of the Feline

Through a special breathing technique, Yukine can increase the amount of oxygen in his blood, raising his physical abilities and mental concentration to a level where he can match a demon's strength. Yukine's breath style focuses on massively enhancing his speed and agility. His attacks mainly consist of rapid leaps and strikes.


  • Yukine lost sight in his right eye when it was clawed by a cat during his childhood.
  • What little money he has always goes towards buying food or playthings for the stray cats he meets on the street.
  • Has a deeply unfortunate habit of gifting freshly killed animals to the people he likes.
  • His haori gets dirty very quickly since he's fond of rolling on the ground with cats.

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