


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


ジュッタ //JUTTA


蓮水サトル //Hasumi Satoru


Japanese — lotus/water, [to perceive]




12, 16, 28


[childhood friend—>wife] Yuugure Setsu


As a child, Satoru's family consisted of his neglectful aunt and abusive, short-tempered drunkard father.  He was never told, but he was actually a child between the two of them, who are step-siblings and not blood related.  His only association with home was that getting attention was a bad thing, so he would go elsewhere.  In second grade, he and Setsu ended up sitting next to each other in class.  They were thick as thieves ever since, and because he was always showing up with bruises Setsu's mother, Saeko, would generally let him stay over for any random excuse; she hated sending him back to his "family."  This started around fourth grade, and before she knew what was happening the two were always sleeping together in Setsu's bed.  It was the only time Satoru found truly restful.  When they found Jutta wandering in the road in their last year of Elementary school, it just knit them even closer together; they felt like parents, watching over the lost fawn.  The three of them were inseparable, and Satoru returned home less and less until his father started beating him for that, too.

In middle school his homelife was really starting to get to him.  He acted out in school and was quite violent.  His capability with the guitar was impressive, and he determined he would graduate middle school and leave their provincial town for Tokyo; he would be a musician and get famous, and then sue his father for all the abuse as a child.  His obsession with leaving pulled him away from Setsu, who felt she couldn't ask him to stay.  Still, Saeko managed to convince him that finishing high school would be to his benefit; that middle schoolers with no job experience wouldn't make it in Tokyo.  This was the only reason he stuck around, but he stopped going to their house almost completely.

In their first year of high school, Satoru got his first look at what would happen when he left; Setsu started dating a guy in her class, and he almost kissed her.  It pissed Satoru off enough that he hit the guy before he could, but it also made him think about what Setsu would do after he left.  When the accident in their second year nearly killed her, it made him finally realize that Setsu and Jutta were more important than whatever abuse his father dished out against him.  He endured until the end of high school before moving in with Setsu and her family, and when they married a year later he took the surname Yuugure instead of giving his surname to her.

Satoru attended school online and became a successful web designer, telecommuting with a company in a large city in the prefecture.  He and Setsu have two daughters together, and properly buried Jutta in the family grave when he died.  Satoru occasionally offers guitar lessons when local boys want to learn, but think Setsu's piano lessons are too girly.