Erimhean Dal'dorah



4 years, 8 months ago


  • Name Erimhean Dal'dorah
  • Ethnicity Mixed Mexican & Irish
  • Job Stablehand
  • Sexuality Gay
159 Yrs

"A brief description"

Physical Description: -Erimhean is a tall, leggy Sin'dorei standing at a surprising six foot eight inches. He's not much in the way of muscle, not in the slightest. Sure, he's got some muscle, but he's mostly just a twig. Aside from those legs of his, which clearly, he's definitely spent some amount of time doing rigorous exercise involving them. From the way he was built, it'd appear he ran often.- -His hair is a deep, almost brown, ginger tone, cut and styled into an undercut. A mustache and beard upon his face as well, though raggedy they were. Unfull. His eyes were a green tint with slit pupils, though the green seemed to be getting lighter in shade, leaning more towards a blue than the fel green they previously were. - -Upon his torso, scars mar him up and down. A cauterized stab wound on the left side of his abdomen, burn scars on the right side of his torso and what's left of his right arm, and various claw marks and stabs across his back, shoulder, and face, though the ones on his face are faint.- -In the way of tattoos and piercings, he has a few. Two nipple piercings, a rune in red ink on his left shoulder, and a flame sigil in black ink on the back of his left hand.-

His history is way too long, I'll be real with you so here's a TLDR of it: -He's born. Duh.- -Lives his first 15 years decently, goes to mage school- -Mom dies at 16, starts dealing drugs to support his family.- -Dad throws him out at 17, he joins a gang.- -Lives with the gang and on the streets on and off for a majority of his life- -Joins up with the Kirin Tor at the tail end of legion, teaches himself Pyromancy. Steals a tome. Is banned from Dalaran. Burns his arm off by accident.- -He joins the Succulent Tarts as a bartender to fund a prosthetic. Gets enough to buy it, quits soon afterwards.- -Meets a Nightborne who finds out he is homeless, gives him a home and a job, eventually the two start dating.-


  • Parties
  • Spicy Food
  • Cats
  • Fire


  • Nobles
  • Mantid
  • His hair being touched
  • Being sick

profile html by Hukiolukio