Courage Apple



4 years, 11 months ago


Courage Apple-CarmelXAppleby

Bio-Courage Apple is a strongwilled, independent, and free-spirited mare who has learned to never take life for granted. When Courage was born, she was premature and the doctors didn't believe she would survive much longer than a day. She somehow managed to push through and to honor her unbelievable recovery, she was named Courage Apple. Courage was told this story when she was older and this caused her to realize she shouldn't take life for granted. She can't stand when she sees ponies doing stupid things that could kill them such as smoking, doing drugs, or drinking alcohol. She'll berate them till she's blue in the face on how they're stupid for caring so little about the lives they have and tells them they should be grateful that they're alive. She wants to be a neonatal doctor as those were the doctors that saved her life when she was born and she dreams to be that person for somebody one day. She takes very frequent trips to the hospital to visit the sick and injured kids there to bring a smile to their faces. She very often donates money and toys to hospitals like that as kind of a way of saying "Thank you for saving me." 


  • Appleby-mother
  • Caramel-Father
  • Pumpkin Sun-younger sister

Parent Backstory- With her new identity decreed by Princess Twilight Sparkle, Appleby, formerly Applejack, gets paired with her Equestrian counterpart Applejack to get to know Equestria and learn how to be her own pony despite her literal doppleganger beside her. Due to an intense crush on Applejack, Caramel could very commonly be found at Sweet Apple Acres to assist Applejack with the work as he attempted to work up the nerve to admit his feelings for the farm pony. However, unbeknownst to him, Applejack is actually not interested in colts and already in a very established relationship with Rainbow Dash. Sweet Apple Acres is where Carmel and Appleby meet and Carmel was more than willing to assist Applejack in introducing Appleby to Equestrian life while she was busy with the chores. As he grew to know the new Appleby, he found himself smitten with the farmgirl's doppleganger, finding Applejack's beauty but Appleby's own unique personality as she gained a sense of independance with Carmel's company. It was Carmel who helped Appleby rediscover her love for country music, something she wasn't able to perform with the Rainbooms and their poppy, preppy scene they had going on. As he fell head over hooves for Appleby, he felt like he was betraying his lifelong crush on Applejack and it didn't feel right to pursue another mare while even the slightest of a chance remained he could capture the heart of the farmgirl. However, he soon found himself witness to a heartfelt good day between Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they kissed goodbye before Rainbow was on her way to their newest cutie map quest. Now free from his lifelong crush on Applejack, Carmel quickly pursued Aplleby instead in which she returned his affections to an equal degree. 

Extra- As a foal, Courage had a hard time differentiating Appleby from Applejack and ended up calling both of them Mum for several years before she was old enough to determine the difference between the two.