


4 years, 8 months ago


Curse of Strahd

Primrose was an arcane trickster vampire rogue (formerly halfling) 

She was the most standoffish and sassy of her former party, and they didn’t like her that much 

She was kicked out of the party for these reasons, and because she was perceived as dangerous

She was turned into a vampire by Strahd and moved to Barovia when she discovered something she shouldn’t have, a stone tablet inscribed with a way out of Barovia, written in Celestial. 

After Leaving the Party 

After she leaves, Prim is now considered to be a Warlock/Rogue. 

Primrose left on her own volition, as the party clearly didn’t want her there anymore. 

She wandered Barovia for a long time, and eventually went to go revisit the Abbot. 

The Abbot offered her a deal in exchange for a way out. Primrose agreed, giving him her half of the stone tablet. The Abbot then took out one of her eyes and replaced it with an enchanted one of his own. As a result, her body adapted to the form, as she turned paler (new design soon). Prim then decided to use an eyepatch to cover this new change. 

With this, she was free to leave Barovia, but this deal came with a price. She must continue to search for a way out to free the Abbot, and must report her studies and information to the Abbot every few weeks. Any information pleases him, so it’s vital that she explores the known universe for as long as possible. If she doesn’t find anything for a long time, the Abbot’s eye will cause her immense pain as punishment. If she goes too long without information, the Abbot will cease to help her and remove his eye from her, causing her to be teleported directly back to Barovia. And, if she dies beforehand, the Abbot gains her soul. Her eye also grants her enhanced magical abilities and truesight (only in the one eye though).