Gary Martinez



4 years, 8 months ago


Gary Martinez

man . 18

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Species: hybrid (human/nixa)
Nickname: Watson
Gender: man (trans)
Sexuality: pansexual (polyromantic)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: 10.02.2003
Created in: 2012
Hair: black
Eyes: violet
Skin: russet
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Flower: ragged robin
Clothing style: casual clothes, loves letterman jackets, the colour red, slightly punk in style


  • Photography
  • Music
  • Rhythm games
  • Reading
  • motorbikes
  • Scrapbooking


  • The sound of drilling
  • Dirty places
  • Plastic bags
  • Too extreme temperatures
  • Orange juice
  • Public embarrassement


Gary is a clever, witty boy with great skill at analyzing the situations and quite a lot of patience. He usually keeps his thoughts to himself, not voicing them out when he doesn't need to, making him seem a little too cold, and too blunt when he suddenly decides to comment on something. He desperately tries to convince himself and others that he doesn't care much about them, but in reality the problems of his friends are often on his mind. As he's done his fair share of deceiving and lying, he desperately wants to somehow make it up to the people he's hurt, but has no idea how... for now, running away has proven to be his best option, but recently he's learned that there are things he shouldn't run from.
Gary focuses on getting something out of life that he feels he didn't have a chance of ever getting - an experience, experiment, self-exploration; for him, being stuck and forced to stay in one social form/place is the most restraining thing, since life on Earth is there only once and staying like that would mean missing out on it, in his eyes.

His body is lean, without visible muscles, but with curves instead - that is why he mostly wants to wear baggy shirts with a binder. While looking at him one might say he has delicate features, although his arms are actually pretty strong, able to hold up heavier things for quite some time. Has a birthmark on the side of his stomach. His body is generally kind of stocky while seen from afar, his limbs do not seem very elongated; his feet are pretty small, therefore he has a hard time with finding right shoes for himself.
His skin's russet in colour, clean, as he makes sure to often clense it. He has a long, proportional face, slightly bigger than average nose with a crooked bridge, upturned, large, violet eyes and sharp eyebrows which arch on his medium-sized forehead nicely. He wears earrings in both of his ears, often switching between various types of them. His hair is shoulder-long and black, with a fringe brushed messily to the side, almost covering his left eye. As time goes by, he decides to let the hair be more loose, often not having time or will to style them properly. In the past, he used to have a very short sidecut.

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