Suna the Sand Drifter



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




From 3-X-E their TOS for adopts

"Iunno about you, but this is a single-person ride... sorry."

"There's a lot of things that I'm proud of when it comes to this baby! First of all, I found this engine buried underneath that turned out to be of the highest-quality material! It definitely had a military history to it. I think it was new too. Despite it being dirty, people were crowding all around me to buy it, but I turned down all of them. I could go anywhere in the world with this. The problem was trying to clean all of the sand out. Do you know how long it took me to clean this? Two days! Two days of making sure there wasn't a single grain that could make this thing explode. Huh? What's that? You're not able to keep up? My bad, I'm going on my tangents again..."

"Yeah, it's annoying. Living in the sand all of time time... it's real boring. But I'm sure I'll get to the sea real soon, and I'll stay there until I get even more bored of the place. We'll see, though!"

"I can probably grab your personal information and dig up some dirt, but I'm not that mean. Unless if you want to see how mean I can be, though, be my guest."

"Man, how can I put this in the kindest terms... Flirting like that makes me feel drier than the desert I live in."

She originates from a place that has been ruined by war, turning it into a gigantic wasteland filled with dust and dirt. Despite the place being lawless, she thinks she has a decent life. She often busies herself with excavating treasures and equipment buried underneath the land, cleaning them and making tweaks to make sure that functional items can be working again. Because of this, merchants often flock to her. However, others see her as a good target to plunder and take her belongings for themselves. Once they see that she's competent in not only fixing weapons and traps but also using them, though, they often find themselves hightailing it out of her domain.

She exudes confidence and often brushes off usually terrible experiences. However, because of that, other people may find her to be cold in those subjects. Others believe that she's not giving herself enough time to process things as they should. Her ability to rebound often makes her unable to relate to people who take their time to grieve, calling them out to be cowards... but it's mostly because she needed her kind of strength during her childhood too. Before everything around her went to hell, she used to be the least favorite child with her parents and developed a complex to try to prove herself every single time. Now with the loss of them, she often finds herself wondering why she managed to live instead.

Despite her shortcomings, she is someone who values curiosity and is willing to learn! She may not be the friendliest at first, but it wouldn't take too much effort to see you as a friend just like the merchants she's managed to earn the favor for. She also has a habit of talking on and on before she or anyone else manages to catch her.