


9 years, 3 months ago



Shailyn Weren






Shailyn was born in a time much different to the time she lives in now. Her parents were both in the science industry with her mother being a technician in a pharmaceutical company and her father being a research physicist. It was a pretty normal life, with romance and heartbreak until her 18th birthday, when an outbreak of a virus that seemed to turn people into undead mindless freaks that had the desire to eat human flesh. Shailyn was with her mother at her mothers workplace when it happened. There was an announcement on the TV declaring that it was unsafe to wander the streets and that everyone should stay where they are. Shailyn never saw her father again. They stayed inside at the lab for a week and nobody came to help them. In the end Shailyn and several others volunteered to leave the labs and get help then return later. It took them three days to find a shop with guns and an army base camp that had been deserted. Downhearted they returned to the lab to find that something had broken in. Many of the people they had left there were dead and the others were trying to attack each other, eating the flesh of those that were already dead. One of the creatures attacked Shailyn and bit her on the shoulder, but the four guys she was with helped remove the creature from here and get her out before she fell unconscious for about three days. When she woke up, the first thing she saw was a gun pointed at her and she freaked out, trying to get away. After her friends calmed her down, they explained that while she b had been 'out' they had seen other people get bitten and almost all of them had been turned into 'zombies', but there were rumours that some people were immune to it and some even brought the 'zombies' back to life and to how they were before. These people were referred to as catalysts. It turned out that Shailyn had been carrying the catalyst gene which she must have inherited from somewhere and since her mother had been infected it had to have come from her father. Shailyn and the four guys decided to go find him and try to wait out the apocalypse, gathering various other people along the way



She was born missing an eye and was fitted with a cybernetic eye