


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info










Playing drums, swimming, Screaming





Jouji has lived a laid back life to match his laid back self. He's lived with his little sister Huni and his single mother for as long as he could remember. They all moved to a new town when his sister turned 11, around the time he had to start highschool. For most kids this would be . big deal, but Jouji didn't have much to lose to begin with. He was fine with himself and never got attatched to people very easily. He kind of went with the flow and lived life as it came, no passions or direction to really take. This sounds super depressing but really it's all he needed. As long as his mom was okay and his sister was safe, nothing could go that bad. He picked up drumming because he thought it sounded cool and joined the swimming team because a classmate who latched on to him begged him to. Nowadays, Jouji is graduated and known around town as a music prodigy. He is a filler drummer for all types of bands and goes on tour sometimes when band drummer can't make it. This is how he makes his quick cash. 


(Highschool) Jouji is pretty much just your average chill dude with the "Top 15" youtube channel voice. He is easy to make friends, but not the type to develop deep relationships. If he had to be honest, those kind of scare him because he isn't sure what they are like outside of family. He doesn't get sad/happy when he loses/makes a friend. 

(Post-HS) Jouji develops more of a personality outside of highschool and finds his own ways to have fun. Because of his talent of playing the drums he meets new people who interested in similar things and he can build relationships based on that. He starts to really appreciate people in his life and feels guilty for not understanding this before. He also smiles more than before and finds he is easy to entertain/make laugh. Also his romantic life starts to get it's wheels turning, but incredibly awkwardly. He used to feel quite confident but soon finds out he is legit really bad at flirting and gets flustered way too easily.

Jouji does poorly with patronizing folk because he hates feeling lesser than others or below others. His superiority complex was formed subtly throughout his childhood because of his mom's praise and those who praised him for his talents later on. 


Huni: Huni is Jouji's beloved(demon) little sister. He loves her of course but she can really get under his skin. She was always the loud rambunctious type to cause trouble and make things stressful for their mom. Jouji took her as an example of what NOT to do with he self. 

Chen: Chen was a cool kid Jouji met in highschool. They didn't really get to know eachother until after Huni introduced them. Jouji thought of Chen as another cool little sibling, but one he could actually legit talk to and not get annoyed with, it was nice. 

Xiang: Xiang known exactly how to get under Jouji's skin, and what makes Jouji mad, is that he can't even tell if Xiang is TRYING to. It really picks at his superiority complex. The only way he can overcome this is to get close to Xiang and make him fall for him.... HE THINKS... these feelings confuse him but he knows that Xiang is the most beautifu--ANNOYING ...big man... He has ever met. He is so annoying who does he think he is. Acting all better and superior. Tch...