Baxter Stillwell



4 years, 8 months ago


19, Transmale, Asexual Homoromantic Vampire


Baxter is a character I created September 29th, 2019 with help from  Iciclefeather.


Baxter and his sister (Who are both trans) grew up in a rather rich family. They where always considered good kids and their parents loved them dearly. Baxter's sister (Who didnt know she was trans at the time) came out as gay, and their family supported her.

when they where older and after confiding with eachother, Baxter and his sister realized they where both trans. They came out to their family, their mother being fine with it but their father being less understanding, and changed their names.


Baxter is a vampire while his sister is a weresnake. they keep their supernatural side hidden for protection and where/are homeschooled. Baxter has a weakness to sunlight and is generally more nocturnal.  Baxter almost always wears a binder since he has not had any surgery (yet?) but is on T injections.