Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This profile contains characters with sensitive backstories, though each character profile should have their own content warnings for their individual stories and images this is just a pre-warning to look out for and read the TWs of individual profiles, so you can decide if you want to continue to look or not. I try to keep my profiles fairly SFW but there may be mention or depictions of NSFW or upsetting content.

I in no way endorse these themes in reality, these situations are purely for the purpose of storytelling and character growth. Many of these characters are based off my own experiences and circumstances, so I put a little of my own life into them. None of these actions are to be glorified or fetishized as they are traumatic for myself, and possibly others. I, again, would like to reiterate that these subjects are problematic and I in no way support these actions. These things are often directed AT my characters, rather than them being the perpetrators, there may be some exceptions to that, e.g. internalised homophobia from a gay character or something along those lines.

I understand these topics can be hard for some, including myself, therefore I wanted to give fair warning so people can know the subjects before entering and viewing my profile.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:


animal death


child abuse

fire imagery


candy gore


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