Agatha Montalli



4 years, 8 months ago


Personality Traits: Unfailingly honest and direct, I've been accused of rudeness when I have no intention to offend. Games can capture my attention for hours, but I'm always a good sport in defeat.

Ideals: Equitability. From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.

Bonds: My crew meant everything to me, and their voices still inspire everything I do.

Flaws: I'm extremely dogmatic and will put down a good idea that goes against my personal ideology.

Background: You had it all figured out. You and your ragtag group of conspirators had the perfect plan for removing the local tyrant who ruled your modest hamlet with an iron fist. Little did you know that you had a traitor in your midst. Every one of your core companions was slain in a raid, and you only chanced to survive due to a delay on a scouting mission you went on that day. The traitor, your former 'sister,' knows that you survived and won't cease her search for you until you've been eliminated. For now, you've decided it's best to lay low. But you've also vowed to put a stop to the hunt for your head, one way or another. If not for revenge, then simply to take a target off your back.