

4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




bard sorcerer


chaotic good









personality traits (handbook):

I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy. The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable—or where such things could be hidden.


Flighty, shady, self serving, avoidant, reckless, good hearted, fearful, clingy, good at masking emotions, sarcastic, constantly joking around, funny, dry sense of humor, likes being the silly one in the group, self aware, insecure, traumatized, depressed, musical, friendly, wanderer


Charity. I steal from the wealthy so that I can help people in need. (Good) Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)


I’m guilty of a terrible crime. I hope I can redeem myself for it. Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.


Overly protective of mask A scandal prevents him from ever going home again Insomniac sickly



character sheet

Lala the rat info:

Nowhere found Lala on the streets of [CURRENT RESIDENCE]. He found her half alive under a barrel, and because of his soft spot for animals, he nursed her back to health. For a while, he just kept her safe and fed her but soon realized she was basically a wizard and could do weak magic spells. She is very smart and has a  strong personality. Nowhere teaches her to play instruments with magic and makes her a little wizard hat to wear. They often play songs together and she helps him out in tough situations. She is completely loyal to Nowhere and would never betray him.

background: Street urchin / criminal

experienced criminal with a history of breaking the law. Has spent a lot of time among other criminals. far closer than most people to the world of murder, theft, and violence that pervades the underbelly of civilization, and  have survived up to this point by flouting the rules and regulations of society.

background that he tells people:

Grew up in the city of the masked Tieflings.  Eventually was kicked out due to his eccentric personality. is homeless for a while. Under the mask he always wears, he tells a tale about how there has been a skin-eating curse that has cursed his bloodline for centuries. The mangled parts of his body always cause him pain. 

actual background:

Nowhere was an orphan, living in the streets of the masked. He was passed around by different homeless tieflings who took pity on him but once he was old enough he went out on his own. He survived off of begging in the streets and would play songs for people on his flute for money. When he turned 12 he met a Tiefling his age named Xaril, he was also homeless so they became friends quickly. Xaril was outgoing while Nowhere was quieter, Xaril played the harp and was also a bard. Nowhere looked up to his friend, trying to be outgoing like him and more defiant against the masked societal standards. They were best friends. Soon their petty crimes escalated and they both got more into organized crime. They joined a gang and now survived off the spoils of their crimes. At the age of 20, Nowhere had started making faulty dealings and owed money to the higher-ups in the gang. This got so bad and the leader got so tired of them that the gang killed Xaril, and placed a curse on Nowhere that mangled the skin on his face and parts of his body. Nowhere's original mask was broken in the process, so he took Xaril's mask. After he was cursed the gang pretty much kicked him out and left him unprotected. The masked found Nowhere, who had been a wanted criminal at that point, and he was forced to flee the whole city. He wanders around for a while, filled with guilt and grief over what he caused, and falls into many self-destructive patterns. The insecurity becomes so overwhelming that he gets a strong fear of his mask being removed and will flinch at any touch near or on his head. He hates himself, wants to just die, and is careless with his life. He finds that soon enough he wandered far enough away from the masked kingdom that he now feels like he can stay in one place. At least for now. He's homeless in [CURRENT RESIDENCE], sleeping in dark alleyways and only having occasional income when he plays his flute for people. During this time he's mostly just drunk and starving and living off of scraps since he spends all his money on drinks. He hides his past in fear that he'll be found again, only saying that he once lived with the masked and was kicked out. He also makes up a story about a cursed family bloodline to cover for his mistakes that he doesn't like admitting. 

Family History:

Kathos Agnetari II and Velfaris Agnetari are the king and queen of a tiefling kingdom called Eaverness. Eaverness is a kingdom that values magic very highly and they are well known for their massive colleges. The kingdom's first ruler was a tiefling sorcerer who was the child of a blue dragon. This sorcerer was the first in the Agnetari bloodline and established the two colleges in the kingdom. After many generations, the original rulers' origins and life were seen as more of a mythos, and the kingdom was decorated with many statues of great lightning dragons. The kingdom is very close to The Masked society, which is larger in geography but is less organized. Long before Kathos became king the Masked was just a cult that had formed in Eaverness, but soon started to become hostile and were driven out. They started a colony far but not very far from Eaverness and soon enough it became a large city run by the cult. After many generations of fighting a war started, but it drained many resources from both societies so they agreed on peace as long as neither tried to interfere with the other. This peace agreement worked out well for the masked since they were free to come and go (not that they likely would) from their side of the valley, while Eaverness is trapped because of the geography. Eaverness is well protected because the walled-off kingdom is located in the valley in the middle of the mountain range. It's basically surrounded on all sides by mountains beside one where the valley stretches out and leads to the masked society. The Masked society being located at one end of the valley makes it impossible for people of Eaverness to leave that way unless they scale mountains. Which would be difficult since snowstorms often rage there. Small well equipped groups could scale those mountains, but for example caravans for trading would not be able to make it. 

 The Agnetari monarchy has lasted for generations in Eaverness and every king has had the blue dragon bloodline.  Kathos, the current king, is well known to be a sorcerer and philosopher as well as the headmaster of the Klauparts university. Velfaris is a powerful wizard who gained her skills through hard work and many years of experience, she is the headmaster of the Vimonia wizard academy. Kathos and Velfaris met when they were young when they were in school together. Since the kingdom is very isolated marriage between a royal and a commoner isn't exactly frowned upon if that commoner is at least successful academically. Kathos is a part of the draconic blue dragon bloodline while Velfaris's magic comes from study. 

They had one son, Carilius ( who is Nowhere), who at the age of 3 was taken from his bedroom by a criminal organization. The kingdom was starting to have a rising population of rebels who intended to overturn the monarchy. One group had planned to use the disappearance of Carlius as a bargaining tool to cause unrest and maybe even war with the masked kingdom. They intended to take him to a distant location the monarchs wouldn't dare go. Because of the unsteady peace agreement between Eanverness and the nearby masked kingdom, the criminals took Nowhere over the borders of the masked territory and planned to hide out in the wilderness.  During the night their camp was found by the masked who wiped them out, the guards assumed Carlius was a stolen child from their kingdom so they kept custody of him for a while but soon turned him over to whatever homeless community was there. 

His mother and father looked for him relentlessly, even having missing posters of him hanging all around Eanverness to this day. Word of a missing child of a noble family didn't spread far, unfortunately. Due to the geography of the two kingdoms, the news of the missing prince didn't manage to spread far outside of Eaverness's borders. If the Eaverness kingdom were to try to send a force to the masked they would likely start a war that they could not afford. After he was gone for a while, when nowhere was around 20, his parents had a daughter named Gulech.  She is now 13 and is training to be a wizard. She was born without the draconic bloodline like her father and brother, therefore making her unfit to inherit the throne when her father passes away. While the rulers love Gulech dearly, their desperation for Carlius to be found grows more because he is the only one who could inherit the throne. His parents would try for another child but Velfaris is growing older and it isn't safe for her to have kids anymore.