Lou (Lou's Magia Record Quotes)



Self Introduction 1 - "Huh? Who are you, and what are you doing bothering me? Sheesh you seem persistent. Well, if you’re not going to go away, I’m Lou Boucher. Try not to get too attached.”

Self Introduction 2 - "Feared by the low ranks. Hated by groups. I am Lou Boucher. A name infamous and now cursed with the deed of ridding greediness."

Strengthening Complete - "Ah. Looks like I'm stronger now. No big deal. Witches are easier to fight now."

Strengthening Max - "Oh? Somehow I feel even nimbler. How useful for more than one purpose."

Episode Lvl Up - "...you? Learn more about me? Normally I'm not comfortable with telling my past...but for you…"

Magical Release 1 - " I love that my weapon is similar to my work. It made it easier to use when I first got them. Sometimes when alone, I use my saws for...non-fighting purposes."

Magical Release 2 - "I never try to grow attached to magical girls, especially those who are weaker than me. There's no point in having a girl who lags behind you like a child. 

Magical Release 3 - "Sometimes I feel like an idiot for letting not one but two girls into my life. People are social creatures, however, so I guess my mind was tired of being in an empty mansion."

Magia Lvl Up - "Great. The most satisfying part of fighting witches has gotten even more powerful."

Awaken 1 - "My head seems to be clearer now. I should be able to strategize faster now. Heh. I can't get over my weapons being saws.

Awaken 2 - "I feel even more powerful now...but I can't let that power get to my head. That's what happened to them...I shall proceed to be level headed, but skeptical."

Login (First login) - "Hello. Hm? Oh yeah, you're probably intimidated by my face. Sorry, I can't help it."

Login (Morning) - "Good morning. I don't have much time to talk, I have to tell my morning crew what to do before I head off to school."

Login (Noon) - "Oh hey. I just got out of school. I'm heading to work, so try not to bother me, okay?

Login (Evening) - "Good evening and welcome to BouBou Meats. Oh? It's you again. I thought I told you not to bother me."

Login (Night) - "It's closing time. You're waiting for me? How nice, I guess, but I can defend myself. Not the first time I had to."

Login (Other) - “Not often am I seen not working. I work hard to get what I deserve, but not to the point I’m obsessed with a reward.”

Login (AP Full) - "Are you prepared to fight? Honestly it's normal for me to suddenly find myself fighting familiars. You stay away when I get into fighting."

Login (BP Full) - "Fighting other magical girls is nothing new for me. I was surprised to see someone that looked like me." 

Tap 1 - “Don’t take the little things for granted. That’s what my mother always said back from my village. How hypocritical…” 

Tap 2 - “Most girls ask me do I actually slaughter the animals before cooking. Sometimes I say yes, just to get them to leave me alone. My cover gets blown though when I start giggling afterward, however.”

Tap 3 - “My last name is indeed French. Can I speak any? Um...La viande est très savoureuse. I haven’t spoken it in years, so I’m a bit rusty.

Tap 4 - “Do you consider yourself greedy? I consider my parents to be greedy sell-outs. Only the restaurant I run still has at least some of what we used to be.”

Tap 5 - "Those girls I happen to hang out with...Akagi can defend herself very well, but that Quinn girl...why does she insist on being as strong as me but run away when I offer her to fight me?"

Tap 6 - “It’s good to stay in tip-top shape, especially as a butcher. No use getting lazy. That’s how you lose your job.”


Tap 7 - “Sometimes kids ask me why I work when I have enough money to retire at 20. It just doesn’t feel right leaving this place to corporate hands.”

Tap 8 - “Quinn’s and Akagi are lucky. They still have some sort of family members to rely on, young or old. I envy that.”

Tap 9 - “Customers sometimes tell me I should try to smile more often. Well there’s nothing to smile about!...unless…”

Battle Start - "Alright. 

Battle Victory 1 - "Nothing too special."

Battle Victory 2 - "Glad no one held me back."

Battle Victory 3 - “Order Up.”

Magical Girl Story Quotes

Story Select 1 - “Another Night, Another Witch.”

Story Select  2 - “Thank you for ordering at BonBon Meats.”

Story Select 3 - "What do you want to talk about, Ginger?"

Story Select 4 - 

Story Select 5 -

Story Select 6 -

Story Chapter End 1 - "How DARE she steal my kill…"

Story Chapter End 2 - "I finally found you again, Ginger."

Story Chapter End 3 -

Battle Lines

Disc Select 1 - "Got it."

Disc Select 2 - "Alright."

Disc Select 3 - "Mhm."

Disc Select 4 - "Ready."

Actives on Self - "Time to move out."

Actives on Allies - "Watch out for attacks."

Actives on Enemies - "Just Enemies. Nothing special."

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally - "Ready when you are."

Targeted Ally With Connect Disc Select - "I guess I'll help you." 

Attack 1 - "Yep."

Attack 2 - "Slice and Dice."

Attack 3 - "Like a Shish Kabob."

Attack 4 - "Hmph."

Attack 5 - "Haah!"

Attack 6 - "Look Out."

Attack 7 - "Out of my way."

Attack 8 - "Hup! Yaa!"

Attack 9 - "Easy."

Attack 10 - "Heh."

Connect Attack Given From Ally - "Guess I can't deny it, huh."

Giving Connect Attack to Ally - "Use this wisely."

Magia Attack in Game

Magia 1 - "Greed is a harmful thing. I shall punish you for your sins!"

Magia 2 - "I shall push you away, and leave you in your own isolation."

Magia 3 - "Shanked like a piece of meat, you'll be an easy target for this attack!"

Magia 4 - "A flashy attack to finish off an enemy. How rewarding."

Doppel - "I can't stop it...from coming out…"

Dying - "Not here…please…"