


9 years, 7 months ago



Nore Vésteinn










6ft (6’2 in heels)

⛄One word to describe them:

Vindictive (Demented)


Dance, Band, and Cooking

⛄why they’ve come to Silver Springs:

His uncle sent him over because he was afraid of Nore’s father, head of a branch of the icelandic-russian mafia. Afraid he might take custody of of him.


Iceland (speaks Icelandic and Norwegian)


He didn’t like people at first, because of the nomadic life he isn’t used to big crowds, he’s reclusive with his emotions but will try his best to reach out. He has allot to say but trouble communicating, his english is very basic so thats making him try and reach out to people more. sadly the complete change in culture and language so fast is cutting him off from human contact and sending him into depression. he does have mental pitfalls, he is trying to push past the image he has set of humans being disgusting, polluted, toxic creatures… because he is human afterall and needs social contact or issues will worsen. He tries his best to be sweet, really doesn't know the meaning of personal space.




-Classical music


-Icelandic indie pop


-Edgar Allen Poe


-frigid cold

-body heat (winkwonk)

-fresh air


-dried flowers

-most music



-summer in America

-spicey food

-fried food


-pop culture


-stupid people


Nore never knew his father, he was raised by his mother. Nore to be honest was a complete accident. His mother left his father because she was scared of raising children with him. The father was obsessive, unhealthy, and in some forms abusive. She didn’t want that type of environment for Nore so in less than a year of dating Nore’s mother left his father to live in an apartment in Reykjavic.When there his mother fell in love with who Nore now calls his uncle. Because his family owned the cafe she ate breakfast at, but she really came just to see him, and was going to settle down with him. Nore was born soon after but then nore's dad had a growing obsession with her and when they came home from the hospital their (his mom’s and the 'uncle's) apartment had been ransacked. After this all happened multiple times and having phone calls come from him almost daily they moved. They moved 4 more times out of iceland before Nore was even old enough to remember. It got to the point where they went back to Iceland (they went to Norway for a short time) and decided to travel with backpackers along the countryside, switching groups every month or so so Nore never really had a friend other than his mom. It worked out perfectly.A bit humiliating because Nore grew up having to act like a foreigner in his own country up until he was thirteen. They went along the same remote hiking track with new people each time, The towns they visited where large but very remote, sometimes with no one there at all. When they could not find a group to go with they stayed there in a town for a few weeks. His mom could of easily moved anywhere but she didn't want Nore to have to leave Iceland so they pretended to be poor so they could stay, Nore grew up extremely lonely. When he was thirteen they were staying in a cabin alone waiting for the backpackers lagging behind them. His dad heard of his wife hiking around with a kid old enough to be his son, started because of a sick joke one of his friends told, who unluckily was in the same group as Nore and his mom in one of the trips, his dad got pissed and actually looked for them just to see If it was true. He was sleeping with his mom in the same sleeping bag because he was too afraid to light a fire, he thought the cabin would burn down. Well in about three in the morning his mom got up because she heard something, there was an argument between her and her ex when he found the cabin she was in. She was knocked out and he set it on fire about to leave when he realized the thing about his son. Nore woke up to the lower half of the cabin on fire, his mom burned alive downstairs but when he ran down looking for her he just saw a burning lump he mistook for firewood. His face got burned by a board falling down on him. He fell out the upstairs window when he was trying to run away from the fire and passed out in the snow. His dad couldn't find him and assumed he ran away or died. Later he was picked up by the backpackers they were waiting for and after weeks of trama therapy and police reports they thought it was better just to leave him be... Because of his moms will his custody went to his 'uncle'. At sixteen he pulled himself together enough to work for his uncle in his cafe. His uncle never touched his moms money saying it should go to Nore, when his uncle got nervous about him staying in Iceland he sent him to America. A bit of known background about his father is that he is the head of a branch of the icelandic-russian mafia so he is rich as well.




He can sing.

can play guitar

He Believes life can be added on by taking or shortening the lives of others.

barely speaks more than basic english

He has a big sleepwalking problem, he locks himself in his room and in his sleep he bamgs into the door over and over trying to get out until falling asleep on the floor, sometimes waking up with a broken or bloody nose. If he did get out he would just crawl into a random person's bed and snuggling into them for comfort, thats where the liking ody heat comes in.

Conspiracy theorist.

Needs help getting stuff out of his hair. allot of help.

Carries around allot of things from iceland

doesn't own a swimsuit

very open about public nudity, he is from iceland after all

He carries around a diary that he uses to write letters to his mother.

into icelandic witchcraft