Ezekiel's Comments

Hi! Wanna Lilas design swap? I have Ellie (Pele) for trade

Do I spy the Grand Archives?

I hope I don't seem rude but could you possibly let me know if you ever entertained offers on this one?

I'll let you know! :)

How much would this beautiful baby cost? Or would you be looking for a trade? 

I know it's probably not for sale, but I'd love to know 

I loved the design and just everything!      It really is a wonderful character and an honor to have him qwq

Forgive me for offering in your characters like that :')

Hello!! No need to apologize or anything, I appreciate your interest and also agree that he's a total beauty!

He's not really for sale at all, but if I were to put a price on him, it'd be somewhere around $400 since I've spent about that much on him so far haha. In the future, if I ever do decide to sell him, the price may drop, but for now I think that amount is fair considering I'm not looking to part with him currently.

I can keep you in mind if I am ever looking to sell, though!! I appreciate your compliments and interest.   

Oh that's great! I'm really grateful that you were so patient and kind to me that way. He really is a lovely baby, I must say. Unfortunately, I don't have Paypal yet to be able to make up for all that I spent on it, but I can offer other things like all of my Toyhouse OC's (So if you didn't want them you could sell them all and get some nice cash in hand), some art pieces and an exclusive custom for you if you ever want to put it on for offers! And you can keep me in your mind yes!

What I would look for the most would be to satisfy him to the fullest until left. Ezekiel would simply be the most caring and loving OC of all, because if I had him, I'd make him my official sona. 

I just want to say that I thank you for responding so quickly to me, for being so kind and for considering my offer on this beautiful being! thank you very much  and sorry for my very bad english ❣️😔