Ferris (Minecraft)



4 years, 8 months ago


Name Ferris
Species Drowned
Age 20's
Height 5'7"
Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Orientation Bi
Relationship Status Single
Build Thin, fragile, sickly

Nicknames Ferry
Voice Dwyer
Worth [info]


Ferris is an unemotional Drowned, which makes sense because he's dead, though he seems to be even more empty than the other Zombies. He's often lost in thought, daydreaming about his life before he died. His main personality trait that can actually be seen is that he is sort of princely, not in a haughty way, but that he acts like a ruler over the lake that he resides in, and wears a crown made of seaweed to signify that. It seems to be the only thing he holds on to.

He really likes aquatic animals, and when not at his lake home, he can often be seen trying to smuggle sea creatures back to his place and be friends with them. Before he drowned, he was a pirate and was thrown overboard by his crew who grew tired of his listless yet demanding personality. He drowned due to getting tangled in seaweed, one piece around his neck like a noose, which he still keeps there for unknown reasons. He seems to almost always be dripping wet and is cold to the touch...he also drools often.


- Like other Drowned, his body glows from the inside, most noticable in his eyes and mouth, and also any gashes he's recieved, like the symmetrical 4 on his cheeks and the gill-like lacerations on his ribcage.

- He's very thin and fragile looking, you could snap him like a twig if you wanted to.

- Wears a piece of seaweed like a crown and still wears the one that drowned him around his neck.

- He wears pirate clothes, the sleeve is almost entirely torn off on one side and has massive tears over the stomach and ribcage. His pants are basically just shorts now.

- He's covered in an algae like substance that is noticeably greener than the rest of his skin