



Base found here: http://satyrcat.deviantart.com/art/F2U-Tall-Base-394295936

Katie is a nineteen year old woman who is as good as blind.
When she was four, she developed a tumour in her right eye. Due to this it had to be remove and replaced with a non-functioning, aesthetic eye. Most people can't tell, and mistake it as a real eye that can see properly
Since she was nine, she has had trouble with her functioning eye. Her corneas repeatedly clouded and despite having surgery, it would always happen again. She's currently on a waiting list for corneal transplants
All she can see out of that eye is slight brightness when a lamp is shone directly into it

Katie has always been a bit of a wild child, wanting more excitement in her life than she already had. Unlike most in her kingdom, she wants people with magic and supernatural creatures around.

She is stubborn and headstrong, latching onto foolish ideas and then not letting them out of her head until she has done them, no matter what the consequences are.
She does genuinely care about her family, but anyone looking in on them would have a hard time believing that! She teases her whole family and tries to pit them against one another, all for her entertainment, but she always makes sure to stop things before they get too serious.
She has a huge habit of causing trouble when she doesn't mean to, but thankfully enough people see her in a good light that she can apologise and 'set things right', but when there is serious trouble she becomes very quiet and tends to hope that her parents or siblings will fight her battles for her.

She has lead a fairly sheltered life, rarely being exposed to any real sadness or pain, and as a result of this she gets very emotional when exposed to these things.