Artyu's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Cannot be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

BrianARTOONZ Global Rules

Before you trade, gift or sell these designs, look over my blacklist before doing so as well as the reading the terms below!! As by owning this design, you are to abide by these terms of service!!

-Blacklisted Users-

@/ vampristic

@/ Mexialist

@/ okkoai or any of their accounts

@/ cactus_ch0mp

@/ tiredsoul / risingmoon

rules/info regarding blacklisted users can be found here

-Rules for owning my designs-

-DONT GIVE A DESIGN OF MINE AWAY FOR FREE UNLESS YOURE GIFTING! If you dont use an oc and wanna give them away for free, send them back to me! This is to make sure they dont end up in the hands of freebie hoarders

-If you get an oc for free, you are NOT to sell them off for any currency unless you have either commissioned art or art from other people added to their gallery

-Same goes for if you buy a design, tho you are allowed to resell, just not higher than what you originally bought them for unless added commission worth

-If you are caught trading, selling, or gifting a design of mine to any blacklisted user, you will also end up blacklisted and the character will be revoked and returned to me, so be warned, if its by accident, it'll only be a temporary blacklisting

-If you block me, be it ip block or normal, YOU WILL BE PUT ON BLACKLIST!! i like to keep track of my designs so they dont fall in the hands of people i dont wish for them to be in, and to avoid that blocks will lead in blacklisting, no exceptions, not to mention if i am blocked, you dont support my content let alone my designs, and i'd rather have my designs owned by people who do than those who do not, but im sure thats obvious

-Once you have received a design from me, you are NOT allowed to trade off, gift, or sell for at least 2-3 weeks, i would also like to ask if you only obtain my designs with the intent on using them, most of my designs arent used and then traded and sold around, i make my designs for the purpose of being used, so please, ONLY GET A DESIGN OF MINE IF YOU PLAN ON USING IT, otherwise, i'd rather if you let it go to someone else who will, i try to be very careful with who my designs go to cuz i do want them to go to good homes where they will be used

-Once you own a design of mine, you are allowed to use them however you wish, but do not use them for immoral content, such as homophobia/transphobia, pedophilia/zoophilia and any other immoral philia, racism, navi glorification, ect you get the gist

-I take theft of my designs VERY SERIOUSLY AND WONT TOLERATE IT!! if you spot someone who is or you yourself try to steal any of my designs, and it doesnt matter what the reason is, be it in my possession or not, i will have the character TAKEN DOWN AND THE USER WILL BE BLACKLISTED AND IP BLOCKED!!

-If you and another user are co owning a design of mine, come to me about it first with the user you are co owning with and i will make another profile to send to the user, this is just so my designs arent co-owned by someone who is blacklisted, if the co-own is dropped, the co own profile MUST be deleted

-That is all, if i need to update this at all i shall, ty for taking the time to read this and thank you for giving my design a lovely home! I hope you take good care of them!! ^^