Cosmina Delore



4 years, 6 months ago


C o s m i n a  D e l o r e

P e r s o n a l

[ Birthday // Age // Sign ]
April 23 // 18 // Taurus

[ Gender // Sexuality // Relationship ]
Female // Homosexual // Single


P h y s i c a l

[ Height // Weight // Physique ]
5'1 // 120 lbs. // Delicate

[ Hair // Eyes // Complexion ]
Ash // Pale Blue // Chalky


A p p e a r a n c e

Ripples of ashen hair, always well-kept, veil her ears and ebb at chin-level.
eyes of faded blue, wide but tired, remote and hard to read.
wan, chalky skin, suggesting poor health.
short in stature and of fragile frame.


D e m e a n o r

Weary. She is often said to have a childlike helplessness about her.
Cosmina was, somewhat to her detriment, spared from navigating her turbulent emotions alone. If ever she became too frustrated, too dispirited, too resentful for comfort, she always had others that could complete any tasks she left unfinished. Her father would often come to her aid and assist her in anything that so much as slightly agitated her, and would complete any duty or endeavor she abandoned. As a result of being coddled, Cosmina has a low emotional threshold, and is quick to give in when faced with problems--internal or external--that have no immediate or simple solution.
Distant, unsympathetic. Can seem stale and uninspired. Lacks courage and instead relies on anger to drive her to do things she otherwise would not.
