


4 years, 8 months ago



Evangeline was born to a rich family while Dabria was born to a drug addict and an unknown father. The only thing the young girls ever had in common was being kidnapped. The two girls were as opposite as day and night. Evangeline could have been an angel with her curly golden hair, emerald eyes and adorable dimples. Dabria, although extremely attractive even at a young age, had much darker features. Her hair was raven, her skin like a greek goddess and her eyes were a beautiful sapphire blue.

Dabria was an orphan on the streets they picked up like garbage. All they needed was a meal and she walked right over. She didn't have anyone to miss so she wasn't bothered by being kidnapped. Even her mother had no idea who the father was or if she did she took it to her grave almost a year ago. Overdose on who knows what while Dabria was at daycare. She had to walk herself home but hid when she saw the cops around her house. Dabria didn't trust the cops. They kept taking her home. What was home anyways?

Evangeline, however, was kidnapped at a store while her parents looked at diamonds and pearls. She was lured in with a pretty doll and ransomed for 400,000 dollars. Evangeline was small even for her age and didn't talk much at all. Just the obedient person for human trafficking. The kidnappers took the money, but kept the girl.

The girls were held hostage in cages with a few others. Occasionally one of the men would take a girl out and they’d never see her again. Eve and Dee were lucky that they were younger so they weren’t targets yet but when the man got angry he got violent. Dabria was strong from living on the streets so she would mouth off when he got like that so he would hit her instead of the other girls. One day when just the two of them were left, he hit Evangeline. Dabria in a rage managed to snap the rusty chain and knock the man down. She couldn’t control her anger and ended up killing the man. She grabbed Eve’s hand, took the money and ran.

They were careful with not spending too much but they mostly got by on pick pocketing and street shows. Tricking people out of their money with slight of hand was Day's favourite pass time. When she turned 16 Dabria got a tattoo of a doll's hand holding a heart over her left collar bone to remind her of Eve and keep a little bit of good in her. Dee was cynical but loved Eve as if she were her own child or sister. She protected that girl from every one and everything. The two had a really good life together as far as strays go, but living in Vegas you don't always roll sevens.