
Name/Pronounciation: Genesis Asraii (J-eh-n-ih-sis Ah-sr-ay)

Nicknames: Lady of the Lake

Age: 72 sweeps (156 years)

Birthday: 1/17

Species: Lakedwelling Fae Troll

Height: 6'4

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Sexuality: Panromantic, Demisexual

Significant Other: None

Family: None

Occupation: ?????

Favorite Food: None

Hobbies: None

Fears/Phobias: Ferrumphobia 

Addictions: None

Likes: people, plants, water

Dislikes: iron, death, pollution

Strengths: kind, friendly, fast, strong, determined, hard to kill

Weaknesses: scared of iron, trusting, mutant, never gets mad (just sad)

Weapon(s): Long knife

Blood Color: Light Pink

Trolltag: blessedLake

Quirk: ~ Around text ( ~ I hope I'm not intruding ~ )

Dream Moon: Prospit

God Tier: Sylph of Hope

Land: Land of Lakes and Songs

Power: Water curing, healing, enchantments, near immortality

Mutation: Albinism, Pink blood

Personality: Genesis is a very kind and caring person, often trying to help those in need. She's rather intuitive when it comes to others issues, making it a lot easier for her to connect to others. Unfortunately, she is a bit too trusting of everyone she meets, taking them on their word, so she can be a bit easy to fool, but you best hope she doesn't realize she's been tricked. She's highly determined and gets a bit close to stubborn at times. Despite never getting mad, rather she gets horribly sad, she can pack a serious punch if realizing she's been tricked or someone else has been harmed.

Backstory: Genesis was created in a lake, though the exact method is unknown. She was raised by the spirits of the lake and learned how to cure and enchant things. Over time, travelers would occasionally stop by her lake, giving her tales of their travels as she helped them, bringing much joy to her life. Eventually, the tales started to include ones of a dullahan who roamed Alternia, killing those he had to. Stricken by that, Genesis left the lake and began to travel on her own, stopping to help those along the way. She is currently on the same path as Demise, though she's not always caught up to him, and the pair have interacted quite a bit at times.

Extra: She once had a sword, but gave it to a nice fellow named Arthur. Wonder what he's up to these days.