Carolus Janssen



7 years, 10 months ago


"Ah, sorry..I-I'll just lean down a little bit."



☂ Name: Carolus Janssen
Age: 16 
Gender: boy
Height: 6'11 [and growing]
Weight: 214lb


✎  Personality:  | Kind| Nervous/Awkward |Introvert | Childish | Insecure | Brave | 
    He understands that he can be hard to work with, but he always tries his best to please those around him. He has a smile placed on his face even when he isn't comfortable in a place. He will never lash out to anyway who doesn't deserve it. Carolus treats the people around him with respect.    

His insecure nature is very strong and very there. When he's with family, it becomes easier to ignore the nagging in the back of his head. But the moment he is outside his "comfort" he will visibly become cautious of everything and everyone around him.  
He enjoys being around small groups or one-on-one with someone. He fines it much easier to make a connect with those people. When in the public he is too focus on the eyes that may be on him and not with talking to the people he is with. 
 He becomes loud and friendly whenever he is around those that he is at most ease with. He is very childlike in those times and very relaxed. 
        Though it is rare for him to act brave, he does have it in him. He will not stand to have his family harshly made fun off.[close friends count as family in his book] He does not take threats well at all. Carolus, being a young man that doesn't fight back will use his words. [usually to try and calm the person trying to fight him or he may even lie his way out of a fight]

✎  History
    Carolus came from a family of giants. His Father standing at 6'9 and his lovely Mother being 6'3. It was well known fact that he was going to be tall. His parents tried their best to make sure he didn't feel like his height was a trouble. His father would always joke about not even having to remodel the house because his already did for him and his wife. All he'd have to do now, is maybe add a few more inches to doors and beds. 
     Towering over many of his class mates, made it difficult to connect and make friends with them. There was always a rumor that he failed his year more than once and was years older than anyone else. Being lanky and awkward when he walked around he became a target for bullying and because he was known that he wouldn't fight back it was much easier for kids to get away with it. He kept to himself setting in the back of all his class, not wanting to block the view of anyone. [or have things thrown at him]
       Entering High School wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. Some students were kind, but like most places there were always a few assholes in the bunch. Even though he was[mostly] treated kindly. He didn't enjoy the attention he got for his height. He also wasn't really for the inappropriate questions. Carolus was already awkward and became much more with people asking and talking to him. The School Coaches took some interest in him. Asking many times for him to try out, in basketball or track. He would decline, but they would ask until Finally. He just gave in, after trying basketball...missing every basket and even having to stop due to having to use his inhaler after running on the court for too long. Luckily...[Iguess] Coaches stopped asking him to be in athletics. 

✎  Extra information:
➜ His mother and father both very experienced in being tall started making their on clothing. Knowing that information, Carolus will rarely ask for something new for him to wear and will deal with his short shorts and too large shirts. 
➜ It would be a rare sight to see him without a shirt.  He has a few light stretch marks over his sides and legs from growing too quickly. He thinks that he is too skinny having his ribs lightly sticking out. [basically just doesn't like his upper body...or his legs.] 
➜ He has an extremely fast metabolism and sometimes he feels like he cannot get full or gain weight[much less muscle] 
➜ His Asthma is mainly caused by physical activity, but a lot of things can trigger an attack for him. If he becomes to overly stressed he can have an asthma attack. If the people around are smoking he will need his inhaler. He usually always has his inhaler, but very rarely will he forget it somewhere. 
➜ Crooked teeth but thats not new news. He actually really kinda likes his teeth, but will most likely get braces some time in the future. 
➜ Carolus is a fan of larger Dogs mainly because he is scared he may hurt the smaller dogs. If he is walking through an area where the dogs are out, he may crawl around because he doesn't want to step on any of them. [though he does look quite silly] 
➜ He's an Honor Student
➜ He falls allot. He accidentally elbows people in the head because he is kind of always growing he doesn't really get to adjust to his limbs. [which he also another reason why he's not too good a sports] 
➜ He has growing pains often and lower back pains. 
➜ Once, during class he tripped over his feet while walking to his seat and one kid yelled  "timber." He was so upset about it, he'll never forget. 
➜ His shoe size is 18
➜  spoiler but he has a growth spurt happening in the future. the tallest he'll every be will be 7'3 but haha no one knows. duhh.    

Voice: Wouter Hamel
Theme: --