Claes Sova



4 years, 8 months ago


Claes is the incarnation of sloth. Lazy, unmotivated, and complacent.

He requires constant sleep and rest, otherwise he is known to go into violent fits, where he cannot stop himself from harming others around him.

His abilities are partially known and documented, he possesses the ability to manipulate dirt and sand, in a manner of terraforming. He is extremely difficult about using these abilities unless he absolutely must.

Sloth is a sin that typically does not stay around very long, Euclid finds them a waste of energy and typically kills them very quickly. Claes is a bit more unique in the regard he hasn't been absorbed back into his loathsome master yet.

Claes formed in Sweden, the other sin's had begun to plan a party to collect him, though the very next morning he was passed out on their doorstep, with little explanation as to how he got there.