Braiden's Comments

Hello!! :D so sorry to bother you! If you're still accepting trades, you are welcome to look through my TH; I hope you find someone that matches your preferences :) if you're not accepting trades; that's totally okay! Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you have a lovely day <3

Only off limits is 01! :D

Hi! I noticed many of the folders were empty, is that intentional or do you have kiddos there uft that you accidentally hid?

That's very odd, they all appear as public on my end and also when I logged into an alt account they were all public as well - I authorized your profile, so I hope that works :') I'm not sure what the issue is, I'm so sorry for the technical diffeculties :(

I'll try posting the link again as well:

I had a thurough look but I sadly saw no one I'd use :,D Tysm for your time tho!

Alright, thank you so much for looking, I appreciate it!! Of course, and thank you too! :D