Harriet [Heinrichite]



7 years, 10 months ago


#1  MOM A.K.A The Leader (Harriet)

Harriet is a Heinrichite, a gem usually assigned as a supervisor and is frightfully clever. Harriet is the leader of a special scouting team formed from experienced and loyal White Diamond gems. She used to oversee construction projects on earth. She seems super nice and motherly but she can also get scary, fast. She's stern, strict, and tends to worry more than usual about her beloved crew (or as she insists, her fam). 

Her personality can be quite abraisive and she's been known to say things like "GET BACK TO WORK AND DONT GET HURT cause that'll cause too much paperwork" but she's secretly a big softie and her crew know that the unspoken part of the sentence would be "because it'll hurt me ;;