Shock [Impishun]'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ParadiseFever Global Rules

One-Off Design Rules:
- Designs may be tweaked, but do not change the core traits of the design.
- Story, personality, sex, gender, etc. is up to the buyer.
- You may trade/gift/resell at equal or lesser value
(unless the design comes with extra artwork, then resale for higher is fine.)


Closed Species Rules:

- You may use the design for personal use. Not for commercial use.
- Credit me if/when the design/art if used anywhere.
- You are allowed to create a name, backstory, and personality for the purchased design.
- You may not claim the work or the Intellectual Property to be your own or set it up for redistribution.
- You may not use it for any external projects, commercial or non-commercial.
- You may repost the original art of the design, as long as my (ParadiseFever) watermark remains intact and credit is given to me (ParadiseFever).
- Once bought minor edits are allowed but need approval. Please contact me about major changes.
- Your design can be revoked if you have not followed the group Juju-Islands additional rules.
- If you would like to retract a design from being a Closed Species, please contact me (ParadiseFever) first.
- Any Closed Species design that has been retracted will not be able to rejoin as a Closed Species. Please be sure.
- Once the design is retracted from the Closed Species, you will not be able to participate in events, prompts and other activities in Juju-Islands.

Reselling, Trading, Gifting:
- Please notify me (ParadiseFever) beforehand if you plan to sell, trade or gift a design.
- You can resell the design back to me at the price bought, but I (ParadiseFever) have the right to decline for whatever reason.
- Only resell your design for an equal or lower amount to what you paid for it. Extra art does not justify a higher price. Unless you have the permission of the artist to sell the extra artwork they made, and show that permission, you may not sell one of my (ParadiseFever) designs for a higher price. You must have this permission.
- Upon selling, trading, and gifting to others please notify me (ParadiseFever) and comment on the Species Masterlist ( so I can update the owner database.
- Co-owning a design with another is not allowed.
- Designs that are acquired through 'free' (eg; raffles, winning contests) means from me (ParadiseFever) cannot be resold for profit. They can be traded or gifted.