Snukii Cinnan



Snukii Cinnan

Caste Tyrian/Rust Cuspblood
Age Adolescent
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 4'10
Lusus Amphibious Hen
Hemoloyalty None
Aggression Defends Self
Theme Cherry

assertive . bright . misandric

Snukii is typically a very loving and affectionate troll, bursting with energy and adoration and always wanting to learn more about people... However, this only applies exclusively to girls, while she completely ignores even the existance of men unless they provoke her (or they're 'in her way').
On a mission to at least kiss, if not date, every girl on the planet (and then off-planet once she's done that), Snukii is extremely forward and can even be very pushy unless scolded. She will back off usually if that is the case however, or if a troll is in a monogamous relationship with another girl. Things can take a bit of a darker turn if they're not though...

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