Ji'in Lorevel



4 years, 8 months ago


Ji'in Lorevel is a master-rank diplomat of the Naave Federation, a self-proclaimed state of high-level talents and combatants forged from one of the largest alliances in the realm. Their job is to secure allegiances with and between outside parties, mediate treaties and prove dominance over disagreeing parties that may wish to wage conflict. Their affinity for advanced spellcasting, considerable charisma and wealth of equipment makes them ideal for the task but it's still a rather taxing job.

People take VR games so seriously these days. 

Few people know the fact that their avatar is just an accurate rendition of their real self (Yes I'm a demon, yes I play games), and they may have used their contacts with the arcane to get more than a leg up in Nine Realms. The guild of which they're sixth rank founding member and head strategist of has claimed a considerable foothold in the open world game and when the lack of challenging gameplay and progression finally hit them, Ji'in made their best demonic efforts to awaken a sentience in the system. It's proven successful and the general limitations of a code-based game faded away over time to turn it into a much more realistic experience that can truly let a guild of unmatched influence claim the power and footing they desire. 

The developers of Nine Realms are naturally quite at a loss when their game went rogue, but have been informed that they "just need to play it cool and people will love the game" so that's what they do now. With the increased popularity, the amount of powerful guilds has skyrocketed. Despite the in game world spanning nine whole realms (as the name implies), unclaimed territory quickly diminished and a daily order of treachery, conflict, allegiance and diplomacy has found its way into the game. Ji'in, being a self proclaimed strategist and also cheating a fair bit with arcane backdoor access to the game itself, considers the advancement of in game affairs a considerable success and strives to one day manage to claim complete victory for the Naave Federation in a game that doesn't have set rules any more.