Viola Miseria



4 years, 8 months ago


Note: This is an AU exclusive character 

Full name                      Viola Miseria 

Namesake                    Viola; violet | Miseria; misery 

Gender                           Female (cis)

Height                             6'7" (200cm) 

Weight                            ---

Race/Ethnicity            White 

Nationality                    Italian 

Sexuality                       Straight

Likes                                ---

Dislikes                           ---

Personality                   Viola is greedy and egotistical, she only cares about herself and money. She values living rich and high-class above anything else and she never believes she has enough, she always wants more, more money and more influence. It doesn't matter to her if she has love in her life, friends, family- none of that matters. She feels she doesn't need it as long as she can buy whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She is incredibly stuck up and snobbish, she looks down on anyone who is or behaves less than perfectly posh. She is also incredibly vain and believes that her self proclaimed 'remarkable beauty' should be enough to get her anything she might want or need and that everyone should bow at her feet because of how lovely she is. She's quite a bitter and unhappy person and she wants everyone around her to be just as horribly miserable as she is. 

History                           Viola was born into a poor family who often struggled to get by, barely making enough to feed their three children and often throughout Viola's early childhood were without a home, however; through her father's cons and manipulation, as well as taking advantage of other people in miserable situations, the family managed to climb to power and wealth. Viola was very young when this occurred and hardly remembers her time on the streets, she has since been raised by her selfish parents to believe that money is the most important thing one can have, she has truly believed her parents' ideologies and has spent the majority of her life chasing ways to become richer. 
