Hihi! I can possibly offer this cccat? Can add on an uncommon and rare trait ticket with ^^ https://toyhou.se/21687760.cielo

Heya!! I'm not rlly a fan of them unfortunately so I don't think I'd use em^^ also the Skire site says they can't be traded, sold nor gifted so I'm guessin they're locked?

Aw that's okay ^^ Ye,they are getting unlocked soon

Cool! I wouldn't offer em till they get unlocked tho bc mods might ban u or smth just in case!

hi hi ! I could offer this terra w limited traits and or a rare terra myo with access to limited traits ! (Both should be on this profile), I may add if needed !


Hi! I've been considerin this offer but I'm not 100% sure I'm too interested in Terras specially as it would be gettin into a new species I don't rlly know anythin about and I probably wouldn't be able to connect to in the same way I connect to Skires!

I'll have to pass, thank you for offerin tho and I'm always open for 3-ways as well!

no worries man, and regarding the three way I can only offer if they’re looking for one offs ! :0

It's rare to see CS go for one-offs but I'll let you know!

I can offer https://toyhou.se/10850554.quasar (has a full by CrypticKoi and a headshot by Tel0din) and this Liowl https://toyhou.se/17177710.rhodonite as well as anyone here https://toyhou.se/Ravennflightt/characters/folder:4939746 and here https://toyhou.se/A_grimm_perspective/characters (except Fae in cult stuff)

I don't have many CS characters

Hi! Sorry for the late reply, these are all pretty cool but not my thing unfortunately, thank you for the offer tho!^^

Alr thanks for looking!

Hey! Would you look at a Cham myo? :0 Here's the link to the post I made, it has 3 items n 2 sprouts plus a few beetoles: https://toyhou.se/26438648.cham-myo-for-trade

Hi! No thank you, Astral's an official CCCat and has lotta art so it wouldn't seem very fair to trade him for the MYO with the items^^ I'm open to 3-ways tho!

Alright! Let me know if you have your eye on smth I can offer my Cham for!

For sure! I'll keep an eye out just in case!!

Heya! Very lovely desing and I actually like it, however havin in mind the ammount of art Astral has, I wouldn't trade him just for Van Helsing sorry! I'm open to 3-ways tho!

oh a 3 way?
what 3 way is it?

A 3-way is when uhmm for example you want Astral and you offered Van but they weren't my kinda thing so you offer Van to someone else as part of a 3-way and I get the other person's CS character and I give you Astral So let's say you offer Van as a 3-way to another CCCat and I like that CCCat so I accept, I give you Astral, you give Van to the other person and the other person gives me their CCCat. That's a 3-way!

okie okie i see!
i'd be tots down!! but idk if anyone would like vain?
are there any cccats you looking 4?

Yeah kinda like that! And I didn't see any CCCats rn that were listed for offers and that I liked sadly

2 Replies

https://toyhou.se/25352863.elvey any interest in this aramelle?

Hi!! No sorry, but I'm open for 3-ways of you wanna do that!

Hi!! would this crook interest you? Sorry for messaging you on skire and th Would this crook interest you! https://toyhou.se/21138468.tbn and add on anyone here! tent on some https://toyhou.se/Valcee/characters/folder:4925355

Hi all good no worries!! There's some characters from the folder that interested me but unfortunately while cute, the Crook doesn't rlly interest me, sorry! I'm open to 3-ways tho if you wanna do that!

hello,, I saw you might be interested in other cs, I was wondering if this scarfox: Gaki or this grem:Stein [grem2] would interest you? I also have other cs here: CS

Hi! Sorry for the late response! I rlly liked Gaki but wouldn't trade Astral for just them, I'm open for 3-ways tho so if you want to look around and offer on a 3-way lemme know!!

sounds good!! Thanks for looking!

For sure! Thanks for offerin :DDD