


4 years, 11 months ago
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Name Skrillex
Called Skrillex
Age 43
Gender Male
Role Antagonist
Alignment Lawful Neutral

"His mechanical minions were still singing and chanting, while Skrillex was walking confidently through the exit of their home. The humans had betrayed their promise. They would have to pay the price."

Credit to : Clockwork Animals for the picture on the left.


  • Calm
  • His mechanical minions
  • Zereck, his tail
  • Dark and old places
  • Reading


  • Children
  • Water
  • Pretentious people
  • Noise too loud (it deactivate him)
  • Things going too fast


Skrillex and Zereck are a mechanical creature that was first created by humans to hunt and reduce the deer population, but due to the specific properties of the fabric they are made of, ghosts and souls are easily trapped inside, and mixed together, created their personalities. 


Skrillex is usually a calm, but cold person. Even if he doesn't fight a lot, he would consider it the first option to resolve a problem. However, if you try to talk to him, he will consider what you say. He's just not much of a talker, and rather act instead.
He puts a lot of love and care into his mechanical minions, and trats them all equally. He sometimes read books to them and Zereck.

Zereck is more energetic than Skrillex, but unfortunatly, can't control the body. He likes getting into fight more than Skrillex, and his powerful jaw makes up for his lack of limbs. He talks way more than Skrillex, and his pride can sometimes be annoying.
He really likes when Skrillex read stories to him and their minions, but usually don't show itstill calls him a nerd. He has a soft side, but is usually hidden under his ironic and sarcastic comments.


 "After the robot was left alone for being broken, and after many years went by, a spark of life turned Skrillex on. A few pieces of souls and lost ghosts powered his body, and he slowly got up. The house he was in was starting to rot, without anybody taking care of it. He fixed himself up, and took care of the house. As the years went by, more souls and ghosts got trapped in him, and his personality started to be more and more developing.
After a while, his tail started to gain a conscience too, and to not be alone anymore, they decided to built small robots, that would become their minions.

The people of the town were starting to notice them, and they managed an agreement : They would left each others live in peace as long as they didn't intrude in each other's territory. 
Skrillex would then let the town be, and the town would leave Skrillex house and part of the forest alone.

For 30 years, the agreement worked. But people forget. And after how Dipper, Mabel, Stanley and Stanford Pines saved the world, more and more people wanted to come live in the mysterious magical town.
The forest was cut in some places, and more and more tourists were invading Skrillex and Zereck's space. They were angry, but let it all slide for a while.
Until a house was starting to get built. On their space. 

Humans had crossed the line. So, everynight, Skrillex and his band kept invading the town, destroying stuff, breaking windows and stealing from humans. They fought each others for monthes, before finally comming to an agreement, and cancelling the house. Skrillex and his crew helped fixing the town they destroyed, and in exchange, the city let them have even more space than before."



Fukibe  [ Friend ]

"More Zereck's friend than mine. He's nice I guess, but jokes way too much. And his jokes aren't good."

"The best b*tch I know. The only one who can answer to my sarcasm with sarcasm or jokes, and I like that."


The CareTaker  [ Acquaintance ]

"We don't really know each other, but he seems like a nice guy. He helped us get back our lands.."

"We would probably be still fighting without that cameraman, I must admit we owe him one."


Fang  [ Acquaintance ]

"I don't know much about him. He is supposed to protect the town, but when hearing our reasons, let us fight. I can appreciate that, but he isn't good as a protector."

"He seemes like a cool dude, but we didn't have a lot of occasions to talk."

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