♡ Aurora "Rory" Amore ♡



4 years, 7 months ago


You're oh so lovely !


Name:Rory AmorePronouns:She | Her
DEVILS FRUIT:NoneGender:Nonbinary
Race:Human [Non Devils fruit or Haki user]Origin:North Blue [ISLAND UNKNOWN]
crew:Pirates of HeartMBTIENFP
Orientation:Panromantic AsexualTheme:26 | Paramore

In terrifying and dangerous places like the Grand Line, sometimes you need a little sunshine to brighten the dark. That sunshine could very well come in the form of Rory Amore, a cheerful girl originating from the North Blue who would do anything to help someone smile, be it a friend or a stranger passing by.








Super bubbly and just a little bit ditzy and clueless, Rory is the most optimistic and upbeat person in town, and possibly on the Grand Line. She is extremely sweet and kind-hearted, favoring good gestures and random acts of kindness over stereotypical 'pirate-y' behaviors. She is also incredibly clumsy, often injuring herself or breaking things without meaning to at all.

An adventurer at heart, her lack of power and any kind of refined combatant skill never stopped her from reaching the Grand Line, albeit much to everyone, and her own, surprise. She has a habit of climbing anything and everything without being able to get back down, and collecting so many plush objects that her bed on the ship is probably better described a 'nest' rather than anything else. No one is complaining though, given how often she finds a way to accidentally injure herself, it seems like a good idea for her to have a hefty amount of squishy items around her at any given time.


  • Lots of physical affection
  • Anything sweet
  • Meat dishes
  • Small children and animals of any kind


  • Sexual situations/Comments
  • Being trapped somewhere
  • Blood [easily squeamish]
  • Hospitals, doctors, and anything medical


Height:5'Build:Curvy- Hourglass
Eyes:Greenish-blueSkin tone:Pale
Hair style:Short and fluffyHair color:Pink
Demeanor:Bubbly but very nervousAppeal:Kindhearted
  • Heart on left cheek!
  • She always wears two earrings!
  • Arm always has bandage in main outfit









A move where Rory sprints erratically, confusing her attacker or opponent for even a quick moment, a moment in which she launches an anchor wire at them, spins around them multiple times in a half second, and attaches the wire to the ground. Trapping them tied up in place in theory, and usually in practice as well.


One of her more dangerous skills, a combination move involving both her wire shooting and dagger. She rapidly slashes at her enemy’s extremities, all but a pink blur with how quickly she moves, before she shoots an anchor wire at them and weaves it around them rapidly, tourniqueting the limbs she slashed while also tying them up. Between the pain from their injuries and their bindings, it becomes nearly impossible for her average opponent to escape. This is a move rarely used by Rory, though, as she views it as too cruel in most cases, and becomes easily queasy because of it afterward. She will not hesitate to use it though, if needed.


A trick in which Rory distances herself rapidly from her attacker or opponent, and allows them to attempt to attack her when they assume she is retreating or surrendering. The moment they move close enough, she drops the act and jumps forward, placing her hand over their chest, with her wrist bracer touching and delivering a powerful surge to their solar plexus, effectively incapacitating them in theory.

Hanged man

Similar to Quickstep, this move is achieved by launching an anchor wire onto her opponent, and rapidly encasing as much of their body as possible in it through sprints and spins. Once they have been incapacitated, she climbs something, from a tree to a building to a lamppost, and secures them to it, effectively hanging them in a bundle and making their eventual escape much harder.


From her beginnings in the North Blue, to her adventures heading towards the Grand Line that led her to meeting someone she found a sister in on the way, Rory had always kept a smile on her face, even despite a few bumps and snags on the way, and a crew who hated her to boot. It was only after an incident at Sabaody and her capture by the Celestial Dragons that dulled her glow. 

Almost two years of unknown horrors later, she was liberated only to find herself in the hands of another vile crew, until the Straw Hats and Trafalgar Law found her. After joining the pirates of Heart, her shine is quickly returning, thanks to reuniting with her sister, and finding people who truly care about her and let it show with every moment they spend with her


Much is unknown about her far past, growing up on an island located in the North Blue and describing the home she stayed in ‘prison-like’ whenever brought up. She met Red-Haired Shanks and his crew when they stopped at her island once, and the stories they told and the kind heart of the man lit a flame inside of her, making her long to go out to sea and find adventure and family like the great pirate captain had before her. At seventeen, she did just that.

Setting off on her own after being trapped with nothing but other people all her life wasn’t the best idea, but she had never felt more free. She landed on a nearby island and joined a crew that turned out to be far from kind. But there was good to come out of such a mistake as joining them- Belle. A captive on their ship, Rory and Belle bonded over similar pasts, and made a promise to each other to escape this ship after crossing Reverse Mountain, and to conquer the Grand Line with each other close by. And after making it into the Grand Line safely, they did just that, taking the sea by storm, all the way until the halfway mark. 

She and Belle had made it all the way to Sabaody together, and were excited to step into the New world soon after. They spent the day seeing the sights of the archipelago, and even met a few notable people. Rory had met Sanji - one of the most dangerous members of the Straw Hat crew and had fallen hard and fast for him, with the feelings being mutual much to Belle’s chagrin. And then later, the crew of the pirates of Heart at Sabaody Park. Rory had never gotten their names or crew name, but she would later learn that the man named Shachi had offered her a spot on the crew, which she turned down at the time in order to remain with Belle.

It was shortly after that, where things took a turn for the worse. 

Belle and Rory became separated in Sabaody Park, and when trying to find her way back, Rory only succeeded in becoming more lost, making her way to the exit of the park. In doing so, she left herself alone and open to the worst Sabaody had to offer.

Rory was kidnapped, and handed over to a Celestial Dragon family shortly thereafter, and for nearly two years, she spent her days working for the Celestial Dragons, at their beck and call, doing whatever they might ask of her. Often being shoved into the hands of one such member who enjoyed experimentation, to put it lightly. It is a time she rarely if ever speaks about, not even to her crew and not even to her sister.


Nearly two years after her capture in Sabaody, she was liberated by an unknown force, seeing the chance to escape and seizing it. An up and coming pirate crew found her and heard of where she had come from, lying to her about being the ones who freed her from the Celestial Dragon’s grasp. She fell for their lies, and joined them, repeating the mistake she had made before she had even crossed over into the Grand Line years ago, only this time, not out of naivety, but desperation. 

She spent a few months with them, reserving herself to the thoughts that this was just the kind of life she was meant to live, until one fateful day spent docked at an island the Straw Hat crew would be landing at very soon.. 

She was reunited with Sanji after two years, and the both of them remembered the other perfectly. He forced the rest of the crew to remain on the island so he could attempt to catch up with her, but her resistance and attempts to push him away concerned him, and her strange behavior around her crew got the attention of Trafalgar Law as well.

Upon realizing her situation, the pirates all moved to help her, defeating her crew and helping her in finally escaping the loop she had stumbled in, of only finding bad people in her life to rely on and use her.

After her release, Law asked if she would join his crew, and she agreed wholeheartedly, joining him in his mission on Dressrosa in taking down Doflamingo after all his years of planning, and continuing on to Zou to officially meet the rest of her new crew, who welcomed her happily, and she finally found a group she could call family.




[ Sisterly ]

Both originating from the North Blue, they met each other when sailing across to the Grand Line. Belle had become a captive on Rory's crew's ship, and Rory had bonded with the other girl over how trapped they felt in their lives and their senses of adventure. They escaped and sailed the Grand Line together. Their separation in Sabaody did nothing to sever their bond, and still today, after finally reuniting in Dressrosa two years after their separation, they call each other their sister.



[ Boyfriend ]

Originally meeting in Sabaody, Rory had been smitten, and the feeling was mutual. When the two of them met up together again after two years, they still remembered each other faintly. After taking down the awful crew she had been apart of, they had a chance to reconnect. And after saving him from Big Mom, they started dating officially. He loves her brand of chaos and somehow knows how to distract her from anything, effectively keeping her out of harm's way half of the time. He wishes Law luck in breaking the Straw Hat | Heart Pirates alliance now...



[ Captain | Brotherly ]

Initially afraid of him, it took her a bit to trust Law. From his cold demeanor, to his medical based power and her fear of such things, he wasn’t someone she thought she would trust ever. But after a quiet moment and him showing her his true kindness and gentle side, she realized he only wanted to help her and get her safe. Nowadays, she only succeeds in annoying him and making the bags under his eyes worsen, with a side of calling him out on how much of a cuddler he actually is. He lets it slide though, as she reminds him of a little girl he loved dearly years ago...



[ Superior | Brotherly ]

Rory is known affectionately as ‘the bubblegum bane of my existence’ to Penguin, due to him being one of the main people to try and keep her out of trouble-  and because of all of her tricks and jokes directed towards him specifically. Though he doesn’t realize it, she does notice and keep to heart that he is the crew member who shows her the most kindness and worry when she’s clumsy, despite all of the annoyance she causes him. She loves him really, and lets him know it often.



[ Superior | Brotherly ]

One of the other people she annoys to no end, he finds her chaos just a little bit endearing, and was the one who suggested she take their spare bunk on the Polar Tang. Now she, Penguin, Bepo, and Shachi are practically inseparable… though it is in part because none of them think it's safe to leave her alone to her own devices. She taught him to knit, and in return he likes to make her anything pink and frilly or lacey, since she never could knit complex things herself.



[ Superior | Brotherly ]

One of the main victims of Rory’s hug and cuddle attacks, simply because he is big and fluffy. Various attempts he’s made at teaching Rory to swim or teach her self defense usually fail, with her not learning anything because she’s Rory, and him feeling overly depressed he taught her nothing. She always manages to cheer him up though, with cupcakes decorated like polar bears and little pokes to his ears.


  • My One Piece insert/Persona. Essentially the embodiment of all of my hubris and incessant optimism
  • A lover of physical affection, she only enjoys it when coming from close friends and family though. Anyone else from strangers to acquaintances will make her skin crawl if anything more than a friendly hug due to her past.
  • A pretty good cook, no matter how many recipes she chooses to wing instead of following the directions for. A bit less good at baking, but she can make some mean chocolate chip cookies at the drop of a hat.
  • Gesticulates a LOT. Blames the Italian running through her veins with a frantic but happy wave of her hand.
  • Despite never having eaten a Devil's Fruit, she can't swim for crap. Any attempts to teach her will end in failure or too many giggles to continue.

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