Nate Wolfe



4 years, 11 months ago


Nate Wolfe
Nathan "Nate" Wolfe
Mid 20's
Muscular & Tall
All-black street wear
FanboyDanny & Drayden
Apartment in LA
Electric guitarist & Rapper

A very closed off and introverted male, he is unapologetically himself.  If someone belittles his hobbies or way of dress, you will either get met with a dark glare or his best friend Connor Thompson holding him back as he tries to punch you in the face.  He is an individual that is quiet and always takes a lot of time to look at everyone's perspective, the way they might think, or why they act the way they do.  But when it comes to people he is close with, he is not afraid to make his voice heard of how much of a cunt you are.

Very hard to open up to, but a very soft individual when grown close to.  Often wanting to cuddle or hold you if he sees you getting sad.  If he is not doing that, he is either writing lyrics for his band M E T E O R or playing his electric guitar as his pet snake Pick wraps around his wrist.  His anger towards the world and strangers is starting to lessen because of his past due to the positive people around him.  Though he will never admit that he is growing "soft".

  • Fashion
  • Being by himself
  • Going down a 3 hour internet rabbit hole
  • Anime watching marathons with Connor
  • Men that are as tall as him
  • Pulled pork
  • Self love
  • Mike
  • Blindly religious people
  • Anti-LGBT+ individuals
  • Drama
  • Family (besides younger "brother")
  • Talking about his emotions
  • Large crowds
  • Guitar playing
  • Rapping
  • Reading
  • Exercising
  • Cooking
  • Business side of music


Grew up in a big family of two older brothers and a younger sister in California.  Nothing eventful happened in his life, going to school reluctantly as he hurried home to practice his guitar playing.  He was someone who always struggled to convey his emotions, being naturally closed off and introverted.  He often only expressed how he felt through lyrics with rap like formatting.  He would often play the electric guitar late into the night, went to school, and went to church on every single Sunday.  Having a family that was extremely religious.  He went even though he never connected to the Christian religion.  Admitting his crush to his childhood friend Zara Tucker, only to find out she was lesbian, he met it with a smile and an "I support you.".

One night when he was in his early years of high school, his sister came out as transgender (ftm) on a Saturday night.  Not being good with his words, he was only able to nod along and smile.  Spending the whole night researching what transgender really meant, how to support someone in your family that was transgender, how to transition, etc.  He wanted to know anything he could to the only sibling he was close to.  Only to pull an all-nighter, going to church the next morning with his family.  He was met with a bitter surprise when he saw his sister go up on stage with their mother, a hand painfully on the back of her neck as his sister began to cry.  Overcome with emotion he began to stand up to say something.  The priest halting him before his sister apologized for coming out as transgender.  Stating things such as: "I have seen God's light, no longer overcome by sin.  And am looking forward to being the gender I was born in, nothing else."  Rage surrounded him as he shoved himself past the priest and began to punch his mother to the ground in rage.  Knowing she was behind all of this, individuals he has never met having to pull him away as he kicked and screamed.  He tried to speak to his sister about it, but she started to grow resented towards him.  Being brainwashed by the church and their mother that she wasn't actually transgender.

Nate grew resentment towards his family because of this, moving in with his best friend Zara Tucker to get away from them.  After his sister came out as trans, he still continues to call her "his brother" to make up for not being supportive in the moment.  Often kicking himself that maybe it was his fault that this event happened, that "if only he didn't just smile and nod."  He begins to grow bitter and cold to the world because of this.  Not wanting to speak to anyone he wasn't close with, afraid they will try to change him just like his mother and church tried to with his "brother".

Together with himself, Zara Tucker, and their high school friend Mike, they form a band titled M E T E O R.  Mike being the lead singer, Zara with the drummers, and Nate with his electric guitar.  He was able to somewhat take out his anger while playing, but it never seemed to be enough.  Mike and Nate started to fight with creative differences in the band.  What also made him more frustrated was Mike's male friends trying to flirt with Nate, not angry because they were male, but angry that he kept telling them to knock it off but they never did.  Only for Mike to reveal it was himself that had the crush on Nate.  Afraid to make Mike upset and be kicked out of the band, he agrees to a relationship with Mike, being his first relationship.  Only lasting for a few months, with how often they fought.  Nate started to think he was asexual because he has never felt sexually attracted to anyone, not even Mike.  His thoughts only being confirmed when Mike struck him with the end of his guitar during their last fight, giving Nate a permanent scar on the left side of his forehead.  Having to wear a bandanna and his hair flipped to one side to cover it, being ashamed of it. 

Around this time is when he will meet his life-time friend, Connor Thompson at an underground bar they were playing at.  Immediately feeling a connection he could not describe, as he watched him take photos of him on stage, finding himself smiling down at the shy boy.  Finding out of Connor being transgender only made the two of them grow even more, Connor reminding him so much of his younger "brother".  Nate showed his unconditional support towards Connor and his knowledge of being transgender with him, hoping in his mind to make it up to his younger "brother" in some way for not being there for "him".  Signing on Connor and a new leader singer, Danny Diamond to the band, after Mike left.  Taking a few years to warm up to the new lead singer because of his extreme sexual and extroverted personality.  But he found himself bonding with Danny after they learned about each others past and how similar they were.

Lately he can be found writing lyrics with Danny for his band M E T E O R, very occasionally rapping about his past, or glaring at anyone that belittles Connor in anyway.  His anger towards the world and strangers started to lessen when he started to hang around Connor a lot more.  Connors bubbly and soft personality rubbing off on him, the two of them started to develop a crush for each other.  Where Nate realized he wasn't asexual, but demisexual.  Having an attraction to someone he was close with.  He is now living happily at his own apartment in California, LA with his weenier dog Cinnamon and his pet snake Pick.

Recently he was grown close to Danny's boyfriend, Damon Whitner.  Having started on the rocks, the two of them started to become closer after they learned about each others past.  Nate finding himself flustered and shy around the male, having never experienced this emotion before, he chalks it off as "I'm just getting sick."


Connor Thompson His best friend, bass guitarist of M E T E O R.  The two of them grew extremely close when learning of Connor's trans identity.  The two of them developing feelings for each other soon after, he is always seen around Connor.  Often being called his "tall scary bodyguard".

Zara Tucker His childhood best friend, the person he first initially formed the band M E T E O R with.  She is a girl that he bonds the most with, sharing the same clothing style and closed off to emotions personality.  They are very much the male and female versions of each other.

Danny Diamond The second and current lead singer of M E T E O R, taking several years to warm up to.  But later bonding when sharing stories of their past with each other, and after Connors pleas for the two of them to get along.  They are seen together now writing lyrics together & composing.

Trivia/Other Links

  • ● He is seen working out frequently to keep up his look and to be able to carry equipment backstage easily.  Fans often staring at his bare arms whenever he is on stage or out in public, but his eyes have only been set on Connor... and Damon?
  • ● People often ask why he always wears a bandanna.  It was initially to hide his forehead scar.  But after Connor said it looks "cool and badass", he has recently been seen without it.  Though his hair still slightly covers it.
  • ● When asked why he always wears all-black clothing, he always answers with: "It's the color of my soul, shut the fuck up."

  • F-List
  • Spotify Playlist

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