Ebony Keltbrin



4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Ebony Keltbrin


Animal-hybrid Inkdrian (Common) | Wolfdog (I FINALLY FOUND THE NAME) Husy-Wolf| (!!Flower is hidden UNDER her hair and sometimes she rips it out or gets torn off easily!!) Pieris




27 (Looks 30-ish)


Cold, ruthless, angry


Leader of her Wolf-Husky pack




Blunt, cold, distant, quiet. concentrated


Whispy, silent, sassy, quite loud tone


Born in her original village town, now lives by herself in tents, often wanders with packs out


[Update as of late 2021; III FIXED SOME STUFF TINY ME DIDNT UNDERSTAND THAT WELL. So I cleared up some things I forgor to mention that was necessary. I also plan to possibly fix some grammar errors, if I'll know how to fix them,,]


Ebony was born in a cold, rough winter. While growing up to be a strong girl, she had a rough relationship with her parents.. Her parents were extremely strict, didn't like the idea of Ebony having a husband, forced her to wear tight clothes that shouldn't be too loose or open, as many examples, of things she wasn't allowed to do. Throughout her childhood, she always witnessed executions, murder and betrayal in her pack, causing her to become extremely sceptic and have a rather negative view on the world. While she was a teenager, her parents taught her how to use different swords, bows, and crossbows, as her pack was set back on technology, unlike most of inkdrian folk... Ebony was quite active in sports and training, therefore leading to having no friends in her life to talk to, as she often focused on improving obssessively, until she felt it was enough. Being so hard on herself, really caused her to close herself off to any opportunity at friendships or acquaintances as a whole.

As soon as Ebony became 16, she continued studying out the leader of her pack, to become one in the future. Ebony started doing something unusual; for the first time in her life, she started talking to the pack leader, Warren. She was very stuttery, paused longer times, to think about the next things she would say. Her voice was scratchy, loud and in a rude tone. Despite these traits, Warren enjoyed talking to her as he was more of a social butterfly, too confident to feel brought down by her tone. The more Ebony learned about him, the more she started developing feelings and the more she started to become empathetic. It wasn't enough to convince her own mind, about her unresting scepticism and to be always on the watch, despite the friendly conversations. Now not only her mind was hurting, but now her stomach was. How was she supposed to handle these new emotions? How is she going to deal with her fears? The pain was unbearable for her.

While the rest of the years went well, when she became 18, it turned out for the worse. She was going to be just an ordinary member, until an incident happened. Ebony saw Warren have a conversation with his parents. She hid behind a tree nearby, to hear what they were talking about. "Soon we're stepping down as a leaders role, and you will become the new leader of the pack, Warren." Ebony's mind clicked at that moment. ("I'd do anything to become the leader. I will reach my goal. And I sure as hell won't wait a decade for it.") Ebony ever since that day, forged new plans: to take over the pack and become the new leader.

When Ebony became 21, she received her own sword and bow from her parents, instead of borrowing the ones from her parents. Ever since becoming 21, she started practicing combat with Warren. Warren was unaware of her actions, he thought it was all just friendly practice, Ebony bluffing about becoming a great leader one day. Ebony's intentions weren't clear to him, as she was quite secretive about her words and didn't talk much about herself, never changing her serious tone. For years, Ebony was practicing with Warren, planning her thoughts out to become reality one day, until when she turned 24, Warren started becoming busier, with talking to someone else.

It was a younger pack member, not having any careers yet. ("She's just an ordinary...Grr! How can he dare and disrespect me that badly?! You will pay for this. This hurt me and I will remember this."), thought Ebony to herself, hiding behind trees, watching over Warren, talking to a normal member of her pack, having malicious thoughts of extreme jealousy. For three years, Ebony had a new plan for becoming the leader of the pack.

When Ebony became twenty-five, Warren was officially announced as the new leader as his parents, being over seventy years old, decided to retire and belong to a group of members with the ability to treat wounds and injuries. For two years Warren has been leading the new wolf pack. It became more active, more scavenge hunts were there and some beasts were killed to eat their flesh in desperate times, when plants wouldn't sustain their hunger for flesh. When Ebony became twenty-six, it was time to fulfill her dream. She was old enough now to have the ability to become a leader position, her combat was trained out well enough, her knowledge of weapons was quite versatile, she felt confident that nothing was going to stand in her way. She was ready. Ebony started obsessing and watching over Warren more closely now, eavesdropping on conversations, watching over his daily routines, noting any specialties, watching over the general behaviour of her pack, to assure, she would get her position.

She applied to Warren for a position as an assistant of his. He agreed, as Ebony smiled happily, for the first time in her life, feeling accomplished and even more determined to finish up her goal she has been aiming for. The day before she decided to join a group of huntresses and hunter for an expedition to kill beasts for their fur and flesh, she went outside very late, prepared to explore the area they were gonna go to. She walked through the forest with a compass, searching for a monsters nest, preparing a trap for Warren, to make sure that he will get the smell of the monsters. Ebony joined on a hunting expedition, waiting for the right moment to strike. Warren called the group he took with him, to split up to an equal half, analyzing the steps with a Marksman, to hunt down monster. Ebony volunteered to go with Warren and another warrior. The group of three went inside a thick needle-forest, ready to hunt for prey. Ebony started her plan: she ran into the forest and acted excited. "Ebony, where are you running to?!!", shouted Warren in response to her running away.

Ebony was quiet, she was running to the location, she marked by every fourth tree with a small cut in their bark. Warren, after running to catch Ebony for a while, noticed those cuts in the bark. He believed those were cuts from a beast. "Wait, Ebony-- did you see a monster? Are you running to it, ALONE?!" "Yup.", Ebony responded, in a calm tone. "But- Ebony it's dangerous fighting one by yourself!", Warren screamed back to her, while out of breath. Ebony continued running away, until she stopped at the nest, making sure to avoid her own trap. When Warren caught up with Ebony, he ran into a bear-trap covered in snow. "OUCH! GOD DAMNIT!", Warren exclaimed, whining from the bear-trap leaving big cuts and jabs on his foot. He looked down at the bear trap, now crying from the pain,to look back up to Ebony, standing there with crossed arms, leaning on a tree, right next to a nest of small cub-wolf hybrids, with sharp claws and already being able to see. Ebony took a cub and violently threw it against Warren's face. When he put his arms in front of his head, he decided to question her; "What are you doing and WHY did you place a trap THERE?! You KNOW that is a bad placement!!" "I know. And you're not going anywhere anytime soon, Warren.", responded Ebony in a calm manner, having slight hints of aggression with some sarcasm, followed behind in her voice this time. Warren started opening the bear trap, trying to pry it open. Ebony took her bow, placed an arrow to the string of the bow, pulled the arrow behind and shot Warren in his already injured leg. "AHH!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS FOR?!", Warren, continuing to cry and whine in pain, even more in pain now, clearly enraged about the situation. When the warrior waiting for Ebony and Warren to return, heard Warren scream, she decided to run to the same location, Warren and Ebony ran to.

Meanwhile, Ebony picked up Warren and held him close to a tree, getting out a small dagger made out of steel, holding him tightly to the tree, preparing her grip in her right hand. Warren, now to weak to run from blood loss, being in the cold and helpless, reacted with terror. He screamed when he saw the dagger. He knew now exactly what Ebony was about to do. Ebony groaned and used her right hand to cover up his mouth. "I'll make it quick and painless if you'll shut up." Warren had no choice, so he nodded in compliance and cried tears from being so afraid and in pain. "This burning pain that you're feeling right now, is how you hurt me. Now there is no empathy left for you, I just want you dead..", Ebony explained, with a weak quiver compared to her usually confident but rude tone. Before Warren said anything, Ebony slit his throat with a clean cut. Warren spewed out blood, now bleeding not only from his leg and ankle, but now at his throat. Warren immediately passed out and died a minute later, while Ebony watched him bleed out, with no emotion in her expression, staring him into his slowly fading eyes. A color faded into her life, a spruce tree where she killed someone, a spruce tree that will always be a haunting memory to her.  When she let go of Warren, he dropped to the ground, motionless, signaling he passed now for good. Ebony looked at his lifeless body. Few tears rolled down her cheek for him. Her life, now received another color: Warren's hair color, she couldn't take the emotional pain in. Ebony whispered out a weak "I love you, Warren....", as Ebony kneeled down, got closer to his body and stroked his cheek for a last time, before messing up the clean cut to make it look more like claw jabs. Ebony, now fully crying and feeling sadness, cutting his throat up, covered in blood heard noises of weapons in the distance. She quickly stood up, grabbed another cub out of the nest, rubbed the fur all over Warren and stabbed it with her actual sword. She dropped it in front of him. Her hands now shaking, from regret on what she has done. 

The warrior finally arrived at the location, to see what was going on. Ebony holding her sword, a dead cub in front of her, the snow in this area having dyed red from all the blood. Ebony turned around, with bloody hands and a teared up face. "This cub killed him...." Ebony sniffled, to try and make it seem more convincing and broke down, not acting this time. The warrior sat down right next to Warren and looked at his cut neck, then the arrow stuck in his ankle. "W-wait what?! Are you s-sure you didn't k-kill him?!", the warrior, in a great panic. "N-no! I j-just couldn't aim right and....Hit his foot accidentally....", Ebony, crying to herself, over Warren. The mother of the wolf-bear cubs smelled blood close, she started running over to her cub nest, seeing one of it's children, dead. The mother didn't hesitate to start running with a roar at the young warrior, still distracted by mourning over the lost leader. Ebony tried her hardest to tackle the mother out of the way. Both rolled in the snow, Ebony taking a scratch on her cheek. The warrior noticed Ebony and the bear fighting eachother. ("Crap, what do I do?!"), the young warrior thought to themselves. They saw the bear trap, placed down and took it, suspicious about the blood, but having no time to think, grabbed it and placed it down close to her nest of cubs. Ebony whined out, put more effort into fighting the mother off and tackled her down, stabbing the mother close to her heart, missing from her blurry vision, when she cried. The mother roared at Ebony, in pain, partially whined and threw Ebony off of her. Ebony took a few seconds to recover from impact, sprinted away to the bear-trap, and waited for the mother brolf to run towards her and the warrior. The mother was struggling to get back up from the pain.

"Hey, after this please help me bury him or s-something. We should most likely bury h-him somewhere our pack c-could visit him...", Ebony sighed, covering her scratched cheek, with a hand. The mother bear stood back up, and started limping towards them. "U-uhm uhm...Should w-we wait for her?! You placed a bear trap, right? So let it have it's u-use.." Ebony took her bow back out, took another arrow and waited for the mother bear. The mother-brolf didn't notice the bear trap and got stuck in it. It roared out in pain. "Now's a good time t-to sh-shoot it!", the warrior screamed. Ebony shot the brolf right in her brain, the brolf immediately dropped dead, from that deadly shot. Ebony sighed in relief, as that sigh made her third color start to appear. The warrior noticed her colors and pointed them out; "Oh h-hey! A-atleast you seem to get a color out of th-this...This w-was an important m-moment, huh?!.." The warrior was quite shaken from the death of Warren, but tried to keep their spirits up for Ebony. "Wooho.... I guess.", Ebony said in a low-tone. Ebony didn't feel as cheery for gaining those colors like the warrior right next to her, trying to cheer eachother up. ("The only thing I have now, is a massive headache from this mess and gaining these colors so quickly...I'm so sorry, Warren.."), Ebony repeatedly thought to herself, as she continued to take out the arrows out of the brolf, leaving the warrior to kill the remaining cubs and Ebony left with Warren.

Ebony had to cry when she took the arrow out of Warren's ankle. ("I'm so sorry. But you were in my way.") Ebony looked at the arrow covered in blood she took out of Warren. She cried again, but covered her face. The warrior approached her and lightly put her hand on her shoulder. "Hey, I'm s-sorry for all o-of this..I should've j-just went with you guys.." Ebony opened up her face with one hand. "Hey a-are you going to be a-alright...?", the warrior afraid of the response she might get. "I'll be fine..Not now. Please give me some time. I think it would be better off if you inform the team that went in the northern direction about this. I'll catch up with the corpses later..I just need a minute.", Ebony clearly had some problems coping with the situation. "A-alright.. Please come back safely..", the warrior looked at her and slowly started walking away to hear a response. "I will, trust me..", Ebony responded in a more confident tone. The warrior now ran off, to meet the other group. 

Ebony looked at Warren, unsure if she wanted to really bury him or just hide him, but decided to let him rest in peace. She broke down again and started crying and sobbing, now finally being alone with him.

,,...It's time that you'll get a burial now.."

Ebony picked him up and threw his lifeless body accross her shoulder. The smell of blood made Ebony's stomach curl. She never really tolerated the smell of blood. It stung in her nose like a needle. ,,If only you wouldn't smell this terrible..", Ebony overcame the urge to throw up from the strong stench, as she finished speaking to herself. She walked over to the brolf and picked it up, carrying it on her back. The brolf was incredibly heavy to her, but she managed to carry both away. Ebony is walking through the snow, dragging the brolf behind her. As Ebony was dragging both through the snow, leaving a trail of blood behind her, her knees slowly gave in to the cold, dragging more and more behind until the warrior returned with the rest of the group.. 

Everyone was horrified at the first sight of Ebony.

She was covered in puddles of blood, bruises covering her body and the weak grunting, carrying heavy corpses on her back, bleeding out slowly. 

The group immediately helped her pick up the brolf and helped carry Warren away. The young warrior immediately wrapped her arm around Ebony, trying to support her, it helped Ebony walk better. The group silently carried everything back to camp, noone daring to ask what happened to Ebony. Her horrified look was enough to let everyone know whatever happened, shouldn't be questioned, no matter how curious.

As soon as Ebony came back to everyone else with the group, a lot of villagers and acquainted hunters noticed the gashes and immediately gathered around the group slowly carrying back Warren and the brolf.