Katrina "Kat" Diamond/Wylven



4 years, 11 months ago


Ring Wylven
Katrina "Ring" Diamond
Human w/ Water abilities
Early 20's
Soft & Curvy
Athletic & Chic
danbun.png & DCGil
House in Hollywood

A bubbly, kind, and soft hearted individual with a great love for her friends and family.  She is someone that treasures close friendships and a strong connection with family.  Using the love given to her from her husband Light and her close friends, she gives that love back into her occupation.  Often streaming herself doing makeup, doing a Q&A, or a drawing livestream as she spreads positivity.  Hoping that same compassion will rub off on her son, Silver.  Who has started to take up the player like attitude that her brother, Danny Diamond has.

Years of people taking advantage of her kindness has resulted in her becoming very strong willed with a strong backbone.  She will stand up to her 6'5'' husband Light with no hesitation if he did something wrong.  Or anyone that starts to belittle anyone she is close to, she is kind but knows when to be fierce.

Often seen in her PJ's as she livestreams, on a date with Light, an arcade with herself and Silver, or lately getting a little close to a girl named Ruby.  The two of them seen giggling and holding hands out to lunch.  She rarely shows her water abilities, only using so when using it for self defense or showing a trick or two on stream.  Often getting teased for having a water ability with a name that has the word "kat" in it.

  • Her husband Light & son Silver
  • Dancing
  • Cats
  • Self-help books
  • Anime watching
  • Muscular men & Soft females
  • Her brothers band M E T E O R
  • Seafood
  • People that flirt with Light
  • People that take advantage of others emotion
  • Golf
  • Fake jewelry
  • People that care too much about vanity
  • Her brothers overly sexual personality
  • Creating (YouTube)
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Makeup
  • Video editing
  • Fashion
  • Vinyl figure collecting

Growing up with an older brother, Danny Diamond.  Her mother passing away from suicide the day she was born.  This event not as crushing because she never knew her that well.  Life was somewhat normal, but her family always had issues from the start.  Her brother Danny often fighting with their father.  But her father always seemed to praise her because she was able to show her abilities at an early age, while Danny struggled to do so.  Favoritism was always a part of their family.  She tried to stand up to her family about Danny but got quickly shot down, so she didn't try to do it again.  She then took the role of being supportive for Danny and being the shoulder to cry on.

When she entered high school she started to grow into her bisexuality, but not being able to express it from how traditional of a town she lived in.  This was around the time that she met her soon-to-be husband, Light Wylven in 9th grade.  Often seeing him around her brother Danny during band practice as they started to form a band titled M E T E O R.  The two of them started to become infatuated with each other and became closer.  Starting to date in 11th grade, her brother Danny started to realize quickly that the two of them were becoming closer.  Her brother being supportive, but in the back of his mind he was still very protective.

As she left high school and went to college to pursue her passion for video making, Light and Danny's band M E T E O R disbanded, causing tension between the two.  Often caught in the middle of their fights, this is when she started to grow her backbone around the boys.  Not being afraid to tell them which one was in the wrong and who needed to apologize, but she quickly gave up when the fights started to get physical.

Graduating college and now married to Light, she now lives in a house in Hollywood with their son Silver.  Using her degree in video making to start creating on YouTube and Twitch.  She is often seen staring in bewilderment as she sees her brother and Light finally starting to get along, the reformation of Danny's band M E T E O R (sometimes directing for them), or doing a little too much PDA with her husband Light in public.


Light Wylven Her husband, being high school sweethearts.  Someone she has a very strong connection with, often finishing each others sentences.  Light often joking how in-sync they always are, when people bring up Light, Ring always call it fate that they met each other.

Danny Diamond Her brother, someone she can be very protective over.  But they sometimes bicker because of Danny's personality.  Ring often afraid Danny will create a "New STD" from how sexually active he is.  Danny always snapping back and commenting how much PDA she always does.

Silver Wylven Her son Silver, extreme love always fills her when she sees how close Silver and Light are.  Ring often shown trying to teach Silver compassion, as Silver tries to his best ability to do Ring's makeup on videos.  When Silver brings up his mom to others, a smile always comes over him.

  • ● Light often brings up: "I like how she can be purring one second and hissing the next.  I love that in my women."
  • ● When Ring wants to practice her painting, she paints on Light's back or bare chest.  Conveniently always "out of canvas' to paint on".
  • ● She often wears dresses when on dates with Light, but occasionally wears suits to feel more empowered.  Light often in the corner with his jaw to the floor.

profile html by Hukiolukio