


4 years, 8 months ago


Species: Intergalactic parasite 

Gender: Genderfluid

Pronouns: she/they

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Abilities: Nightmare can shapeshift into any organic creature.  While they can shift into inorganic things, they always end up looking incredibly unnatural (ie imagine a fleshy chair).  There are also other limits to her abilities. Nightmare can shift comfortably into any mouse sized to elephant sized, anything larger or smaller will cause her form to become unstable.  Though her shifting abilities come with a cost; Nightmare has to feed constantly because shifting drains a lot of her energy. She also has a tranquilizing venom that can be released from their fangs or claws, and the ability to shift her shadow.  

Personality: Nightmare is extroverted and charming.  She seems to make friends everywhere she goes and has many allies. While friendly, she can be very intimidating, and is not one to be crossed.  She has quite the temper and will gladly start a fight. They have a hard time communicating and expressing their emotions. She can come off as aloof, but they really mean well.  They also have a problem with not being a able to commit; this trait has cost her a few relationships. 

Age: 33

Occupation: Drifter/ odd jobs 

Status: Dating Zeke