
4 years, 11 months ago


Kaliya is a street wise rat who lives with her best friend since childhood, Crystal.

Unlike Crystal, Kaliya lived in the poor part of Irhynam all her life, her father remained in her life, while her mother ran off. Her father was doing his best, and although he tried, she still grew up not caring much about life, as a side effect of living in a part of town where no one cared.

She focuses on the here and now. Her area is tough. She had to learn how to fight to defend herself, and her friend Crystal, the only person she met that showed interest in her.  Cause of this, she's pretty good in a fight, even if she doesn't look it. Though rarely would she care about having an honorable fight, underhanded tactics are not beyond her!

While she and Crystal were attending High school, that's when they really got into crime, starting small, easing into deeper crimes. Crystal is the brains of the operation, Kaliya is the brawn. That means she's also security when they deal with any sort of meetings, or anything dangerous. Kaliya is fiercely protective of her best friend, and would kill for her. They've managed to keep their antics down low enough to avoid much police attention, which works well for the duo.