


4 years, 7 months ago


     Superphylum takes place in a world very similar to ours, yet quite different in many ways. The main difference geographically is an island off the east coast of the United States. This island is known as Faunia, and it's existence alone has altered the course of time. Without it, the world of Superphylum would be no different from our own.

Historical Changes

     Faunia is considered one of the 50 states. Wyoming does not exist. It was considered one of the fourteen colonies that formed the United States. During the Civil War, as states begun taking sides with the Union and Confederacy, Faunia was the only southern state to have joined the Union. With an added influence in the south, America spent far less time focusing on the war and more time fulfilling the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. They were able to conquer Alaska before the Russians, however it is notably smaller compared to our version. Japan was reached soon enough to convince the locals to become a part of the states. Ohio, too, does not exist. Only Oahu was taken from the Hawaiian Islands, with the others being left for the natives.

     The United States also made many technological strides due to the shorter war. In their world, they are always at least a decade and a half more advanced than we are. This proved especially useful after the breakout of World War I. With their advances, World War I ended far sooner and with far fewer casualties. As a result, the Axis Powers were unable to form (especially with Japan being part of America), and World War II never took place. As such, this world refers to World War I as the Great War. From here, the Earth in which Faunia exists begins to change drastically. Technology advances far faster, and wars were won sooner. The Vietnam War didn't exist, and the Cold War ended in the 70's.

Geography & Climate

     Faunia is an island located off the east coast of the United States, towards the center. It stretches from Virginia down to South Carolina. With an area of 77,141.13 square miles, it is the 17th largest state.

     The island is a wonder to scientists the world over. Despite being located in a place that would give it a very temperate environment, Faunia boasts a staggering variety of ecosystems. It has a desert as dry as the Sahara, a jungle like that of the amazon, gorgeous tropical beaches, forests as far as the eye can see, and mountains that rival the Rockies. The temperatures in Faunia fluctuate drastically as well, with the desert reaching far into the hundreds and the mountains sometimes dropping bellow freezing. It remains unknown as to how Faunia has developed this way. Despite being a hot spot for researchers, none have been able to come close to even theorizing the origins of Faunia's bizarre landscapes.

Cities & Towns

    Settling in Faunia proved to be a challenge upon its discovery. Since its terrain and environments vary so greatly, only the more temperate areas in the north grew to be the most populated.

     Faunia's capital, New Cletus, is located on the far north end of the island. It's a very small town, and the main area in which Superphylum takes place. Faunia's largest city is Mendel, roughly the size of Austin, Texas. Mendel houses B.I.O., a corporation that provides a service that allows a person to fuse with their favorite animals.