Mira Molnarova



4 years, 8 months ago


Name Mira Molnarova
Codename Lilac
Age 22
DOB February 14th
Gender Female
Height 5'0"
Nationality Serbian
Talent Ventriloquist
Orientation Biro Demisexual

Status Alive
Full App Here
Location DD


After taking some time away to recover a bit, study, and even get married, Mira is finally back to the AHI and serving there full time as a member of the support staff. While her official job is only a cook, she does take the idea of supporting those around her very seriously. She may not do missions the way the others do, but she believes that just leaves her room to be a warm, smiling face for them to return to after the ones they do take. She wants to do everything she can to provide them support both in her work as a cook and just in general.

She does miss her husband, but she's enjoying her time back with her friends and working hard to make them as well as herself proud. While she may still have a lot of self esteem issues, Mira wants to be someone she can be proud of and she's working hard for that goal.

Peraps a bit set back in it all, Mira very quickly found herself falling into a far too heavy work schedule, to the point she was working all three shifts every day she could, only taking one day a week off. It got especially bad after the invasion, though luckily the next incident allowed her the time to connect with a certain someone, and between her help and the opening of the arts and crafts center, Mira has slowly begun the journey to a healthy work schedule.