


Female | Demon | Choir of Absence

The Demon of Nepenthe

A Demon claiming erosion as her domain. Erosion of will, of memory, of experience, to be replaced by the still ocean of her nectar. Mortals who ingest this blood-like fluid report forgetting their strife and grief, though they often forget much more-- the negative memories and emotions stripped away, leaving nothing in their places and detaching anything surrounding them. Grief at a spouse's death is replaced by forgetting the victim ever had the spouse to begin with.

A soft, warm, even gentle and loving exterior is what makes Haemekiel so uniquely dangerous. Coaxing and convincing her victims into drinking her nectar to ease their sorrows, dousing their minds in honeyed words and a sweet demeanor to manipulate their trust. Her nepenthe works just as advertised, but nobody ever asks what else they may forget...

"Come, and be at peace..."

Worth: $0, obtained via trade