Nicholas Brookes



7 years, 9 months ago



Nicholas Brookes

Time Mage & Seer ✦ Male/Married ✦ Spacey

"Um, what?"



★ he is kind of short - 5'10''

★ he is an older man and has a more masculine jawline - sometimes facial hair

★ his earring symbol reads "good spirit/fortune"

★ his hair gradients, dark at the top and lighter at the tips

★ beauty marks on his face, and a darker skin tone


PERSONALITY - Nicholas is a bit of a space cadet, often falling into a silent reverie as he gets lost in thought. By nature he is very quiet and more of an observer who participates in discussion or group events very little. He is exceedingly kind and aggressively loyal to those he feels a strong bond with. Nicholas will go to the ends of the Earth to protect those he loves and will fight with everything he has for his family's safety.

MAGIC - Nicholas is a time mage and seer. His time magic is EXTREMELY powerful and he has full control of it. Before his seals, Nikki could travel to any time without reservation or having any amount of difficulty. Because of the level of his powers, he was sought after by some powerful deities who wished to keep the balance of the timelines and the world. 

Aside from time magic, Nicholas has strong divination abilities. He can read tea leaves, palms, and scrying bones, but his favorite medium are his prized tarot cards which he designed and made himself. His predictions and readings are very precise and give unsettling insight on good days. Ever superstitious, Nicholas consults his tarot cards almost daily to make sure his family is going to remain safe. 

INTERESTS - Nicholas loves teas - drinking, brewing, and reading the leaves afterwards. 





  • astronomy/stargazing
  • reading and mapping out star charts
  • book binding
  • tarot reading
  • experimental fashions
  •  loud noises
  •  thunderstorms
  • not knowing what's going to happen
  • paradoxes and anamolies
  • relying too heavily on technology


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Proin ut nisi nec odio varius porttitor. Ut sit amet lectus efficitur, vehicula magna sed, dictum sapien. Proin eu risus porta ipsum interdum feugiat eu quis tortor. Etiam euismod bibendum imperdiet. Integer eget lorem at nunc semper vulputate. Morbi arcu augue, posuere in gravida in, tincidunt et enim.

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