✨Xuě's Comments



Does anyone in here interest you? 

Or anyone in my th at all aside from my mains folder :3

I can offer multiple! :D

(please respond if non interest ya so i know :3)

Thanks for looking! :D

(If ur not looking for characters, sos)

hi! I can't see the link you have sent </3

Can you let me know if this kid is ever available? <3

Sure ^^

Thank you~ <3

ping me if u ever trade!

Idk if it's rude to ask so sorry if it is, but do you do pinglists? If so, can I be on one for this kid?

hello! I don't believe I am going to trade him any time soon but I'll ping you if it happens!

Anyone not in fursona interest you

do i have anything you might want for them ;3