Akane Miketsu [wip]



4 years, 8 months ago


Name Akane Miketsu
Nickname Miki-tan, Mikey
Age 21
DOB September 17
Gender Female
Height 5'6
Nationality Japanese
Talent Cosplayer
Orientation Homosexual

Status Inactive
Full App Here
Location Formerly ZS


Akane is the Ultimate Cosplayer and a real grump. She attended Ambit Academy as an older sophomore and didn't quite do as well as she could. Grumpy and asocial, she avoided her classmates and refused colaboration, to the point the talent counsler had to step in. After the masacre, she found herself placed into the killing game, no memeory of having ever been to the school.

Joining in the second round of the killing game, Akane found herself in hardship pretty quickly. Her roommate, Saer, managed to get on her good side pretty quickly, but beyond that she was rather alone for some time. Eventually befriending Vi and taking an interst in Zeno, she really wasn't able to make too many friends. It wasn't until she ran into Cahyo, the talent counsler from the school who she'd been able to remember helping her, that she finally got help and got on medication. On medication, she thrived and while it was a slow start that was a bit bumpy at first, she eventually got off on the right foot.

After escaping the school she found herself in a much better situation thanks to help from Saer. She and Vi ended up rooming together, Akane able to get into costume design through Saer and giving up cosplay, not really ever liking cosplay itself but loving the design aspect. She and Vi even eventually did some fashion projects together. She lived a happy life after that, follwing her dreams and staying close with the few she had.