


4 years, 8 months ago


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Stubborn ● Lazy ● Lowkey Anxious


your_vibes_are_disgusting.png Art by CEILING-STARS

Basic Information

Name Purple Gender Nonbinary
Orientation Panromantic Pronouns He/him
Species Alien Height 6'4
Occupation Cowboy Ruler Residence Unknown
Name Purple
Gender Nonbinary
Orientation Panromantic
Pronouns He/him
Species Alien
Height 6'4
Occupation Cowboy Ruler
Residence Unknown


  • Wasn't supposed to be ruler
  • The sneakier of the two
  • Charismatic in his own way
  • Almost always seen with Red
  • Usually the more chaotic one


Purple is rather lazy, and enjoys simply lounging around in Red's company. He prefers finding shortcuts to difficult tasks rather than wasting time trying to do them the "correct" way. He's easily stressed and tends to shut down when he has no idea what to do, which often gets him into serious trouble. Purple isn't afraid to be rude to others, and on bad days will physically lash out if frustrated. He's quick to suggest playful violence as a solution to simple problems, and tends to be more optimistic about things. He sees no reason to be so strict and serious, and often is intentionally goofy and perhaps a bit annoying. Though he's haunted by things in his past he tries to see the best in people, and live the best life he can.



  • Junk/Comfort foods
  • Soft fabrics
  • Physical affection


  • Being in command
  • Caves
  • Being alone

Pet Peeves

  • People who lecture without a point
  • Their empire being compared to others
  • When others force unrealistic standards onto him or red


Once a measly medic, Purple rose the ranks and became the next ruler of Tarrx with his partner Red.


Purple was born into a middle class family, and faced the death of his mother at the age of 15. Left alone, he moved in with Red and eventually got a job. After moving out of Red's home, the two had decided to enter the fighting ranks of Tarrx together; Purple as a medic and Red as a fighter. As they rose through the ranks they came to be more than friends, despite it being strictly against Tarrx's code of conduct. After nearly being found out, Red found it best that they distance themselves from each other for a small period of time.

A year went by since Purple and Red had last spoken, and each had yet again rose in ranks. Red was now a general and able to command Purple's team to replace his own. Together once again, it seemed the two could never be separated at any point in time. Purple left the medical field and joined Red in fighting against the enemies, the two side by side were a force to be reckoned with. As they became elites they would constantly request assignments that both of them could collaberate on, but came to find they had even less time with each other than they had before. Though this strained their relationship, the two did their best to find the lighter side of things, such as bringing each other small souvenirs or later taking the other to their mission base to explore the areas together.

Red was assigned a strange mission and was encouraged to bring Purple along, which was rather unusual. Red was suspicious but Purple was quick to suggest that perhaps Ruler Kyuu had finally seen that the two work best together, and that this was their chance to prove it true. Their destination was three galaxies away, which would be a fairly long trip but Purple saw this as an oppurtunity to finally have time to spend with Red. Upon entering the second galaxy their ship's engine failed, and neither could pinpoint the cause. As the vessel was quickly engulfed in flames the two evacuated the ship as soon as they could, leaving behind a majority of their things. Red was quick to rage and vented into the empty space, whereas Purple was quick to silently panic. They had no food, basic equipment, and no way to get back to the home ship. Their only chance was to land on the nearest planet and construct a small base, and to hope that some passing vessel would detect their distress signal. The two used a majority of their remaining fuel to find and attempt to land on the nearest planet, though their landing was far from graceful. Purple's beeg malfunctioned much to his dismay, and he was thrown off course into a foresty area. Three days passed before Purple's beeg came back online, but Red was no where to be found. Forced to fend for himself Purple attempted to repair his beeg to get communications back online but to no avail. Purple was stranded for three months before stumbling his way back to Red. Though Purple's memory is hazy, they made their way back to the home ship by some means, and years later together they were announced the new rulers of Tarrx. This, would be the first time Tarrx would ever have 2 rulers instead of one.

Red - Partner

Purple and Red have been best friends their entire lives, and have been soul bound partners for six years. They're nearly inseparable, and can almost be considered two halves of one being.

Warning: h*ck

This is a neat spot to put any spoilers, NSFW, or otherwise triggering content in!


Name - Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu urna vitae turpis condimentum elementum.

Warning: h*ck

This is a neat spot to put any spoilers, NSFW, or otherwise triggering content in!


Name - Friend

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu urna vitae turpis condimentum elementum.

Warning: h*ck

This is a neat spot to put any spoilers, NSFW, or otherwise triggering content in!

Character Info

Created October 9, 2019
Acquired October 9, 2019
Redesigned N/A


Purchase Price $10.20 (CUSTOM)
Commissioned Art +1 | $3.94
Art Trades +0
Gifts +0
Personal Art +9
Written Works +0

Code created by MICROWBIRD